In a guest post atRemarkablogger,Amy Harrison notes the strange tonal shift that happens on the way to a website's sales page: "Whilst your blog content might have the relaxed, wholesome air of sharing ideas in a warm and cosy coffee shop, your sales page can seem like an awkward, seedy transaction near the dumpster behind the coffee shop." This happens, she says, for a few reasons:

You've forgotten about the positive impact your product or service has on a customer's life.When this happens, your copy tends to veer between overly brief descriptions and "vague hyperbole" (e.g. explosive results, sky-rocket increase). Instead, create a sales page with specific benefits and selling points by answering questions like these:

  • What was your customer suffering with before that is no longer a problem because of you?
  • What can your customer do that she couldn't do before?
  • 它会采取fo多久r your customer to do what you did for her (if in fact she could do what you do)?

You're embarrassed about taking a customer's money—and it shows.Explaining why you've priced a product or service priced well below its obvious value only heightens the impression of low quality. If you're going to discuss prices, says Harrison, think in terms like these:

  • The value of results, rather than the value of the purchase. A $47 book on SEO, for instance, is really buying better search rankings, traffic and leads.
  • Price comparisons with a more expensive product or service that gets similar results. "Don't compare an eBook on marketing to someone’s sock budget for the year," she says.

The Po!nt:When customers are ready to make an online purchase, don't lose them with copy that's less authentic and compelling than elsewhere at your site.

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