In the latest issue ofEditorial Emergency's newsletter, Lisa Jenkins—vice president of client services at The Marketing Distillery—explains how her online agency implements business-savvy social media strategies. "[W]e do all this with a very strong emphasis on metrics, analytics and return on investment—because social-media marketing in the absence of results is called 'fun,'" she notes.

And here's some of her advice for social media programs that produce the bottom-line numbers you want to see:

Have a personality.You can churn out offer after offer, or accumulate fans and followers by the thousands, but this won't deliver the results you want if you don't engage your audience. "I always say I'd rather have 100 people who are super-engaged with the brand than 5,000 who can take it or leave it," she notes.

Encourage interaction.Create engagement by putting an interactive spin on certain content. Instead of sending out a dead-end tweet that saysHey, look at this,for instance, you can request feedback and include an incentive:Look at this and tell us what you think and you'll be entered to win a copy of this.

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