"In a world of short attention spans, massive filtering, and the sheer volume of blog articles shooting out every available channel, it's a good idea to have a support system in place to make sure your content has a fighting chance," writes Jason Miller at MarketingProfs Daily Fix blog. And here are three ways to optimize your online content program for the best results:

Remember that search engines don't reward clever titles.No matter how perfect a pun or allusion might be, a matter-of-fact, keyword-rich headline has a better chance of getting your blog post onto the first page of a Google search's results page. "If you want to have a catchy title," he suggests, "put your keywords first, add a colon, and write an attention-grabber."

当你的里德发表内容rs are most likely to see it.Evidence suggests the heaviest blog traffic happens in the morning—between 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. EST. Miller recommends testing which days work best for you. "Try posting on Mondays and Wednesday then switch to Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays," he says. But don't get too comfortable with short-term results. Keep a close eye on analytics, since readership patterns might change.

Align content with a customer's buying cycle.Think of your blog as a funnel that moves readers toward a purchase, and plan your editorial calendar accordingly. Are you telling a story that addresses needs and concerns at each stage in the process? Do you include calls to action? Do you identify and rectify any that underperform?

The Po!nt:When you optimize your blog, you make it easier for potential customers to find your quality content—and understand the value of your solution.

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