As SEO credibility goes, it doesn't get much better than Google's Developer Programs Tech Lead Maile Ohye. In a 10-minute video, she adopts the role of a consultant to deliver all the advice she'd give to a startup whose website has no more than 50 pages of primary content, and a desire to rank for a handful of keywords.

Here are a few highlights of Ohye's tutorial. If your startup business seeks to quickly rank, consider taking these steps:

Decide if you want visitors to see the www or non-www version of your domain.Major companies like Google and Facebook tend to use the former, but it's up to you.

Verify ownership of your site in Webmaster Tools.Also sign up for email forwarding, so Google can alert you to potential problems.

Perform a background check on your domain.If spammers previously owned your domain, it won't rank well.

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