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This article outlines how to optimize your content and marketing for response—so more people actually read, watch, or listen to your content.

Specifically, it provides six tips for crafting marketing communications that excel at generating qualified leads.

1。Give your content an interesting or benefit-oriented title

Boring titles are one of the biggest mistakes in marketing content used to generate leads. I see it a lot in scientific tech when the company is promoting something to scientists or engineers.

一个完全的方式improve your headlineis to include a benefit. For example, look at the title of the following article from the optogenetics field:Afraid of the Dark? Conquering Fear with Optogenetics。利益克服了恐惧。

您还可以考虑使用动作单词和数字来制作标题 - 例如,Seven Questions to Ask When Choosing an Optogenetics Tool


2. Try using a problem-based headline instead of a solution-based headline

I know... I just told you to include a benefit in your headline. But that's not the only way to improve response. Another way is to put a problem into the title, headline, or subject line.


As an example, here's a solution or benefit headline:


And here's that same headline, but rearranged to be problem-focused:

Struggling to Get Ahead in Your Small Business?

The second headline is also formatted as a question, which is another way to improve response.


This is a tough one. You probably have more than one audience, even for a single product or service.

Most clients I work with have a hard time isolating a single target audience for a piece of content. They often think they'll miss out on reaching more potential customers.


例如,如果您将科学设备销售给R&D和大批量制造(HVM)洁净室,为每位观众编写单独的内容件。在洁净室中工作的研究科学家具有与在HVM Fab上工作的过程工程师不同的挑战和动机。



In other words, you're selecting the audience.

假设你正在写一篇文章或白皮书。在在洁净室工作的研究科学家的例子中,您可以简单地将字幕放在下面的白皮书标题下方,读取这样的东西:A Guide for Scientists Working in R&D Cleanrooms

Now your readers know exactly whom the article or whitepaper is for.

5. Put a call to action at the end

You might be thinking that this particular tip is unnecessary. It's 2021, and everyone knows to put a CTA at the end of a marketing piece. Right?

Well, I can tell you firsthand that lots of marketers still don't do it.



Here's an easy template for a call to action at the end of an article:


6. Promote and repurpose your content aggressively

And I意味着积极。

It's odd how many companies create a hefty piece of content, send out a few tweets about it, and then stop.




至于repurposing, you should always slice and dice your content into other forms.

例如,您可以分开a whitepaper进入一系列博客帖子,每个博客文本都关注文件的特定部分(问题,之前的解决方案等)。您还可以将其作为文章重新批准,以便在贸易日志中发布,或者转变为幻灯片或网络研讨会。你有很多选择!

底线:确保您的内容不是一个击中奇迹。跟随Joe Pulizzi的建议,并思考1到10 - 即,将每块内容重新释放到10个额外的件中。



  1. Give your content an interesting and benefit-oriented title.
  2. Try using a problem-based headline instead of a solution-based headline.
  3. 将内容的读者缩小到一个目标受众。
  4. Consider putting the job function in the title.
  5. 最后拨打行动。
  6. Promote and repurpose your content aggressively.

跟随the tips in this article, and you'll soon be reaping the benefits.


The Content Types That Generate the Highest-Quality Leads



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image of Colm O'Regan

Colm O'Regan是B2B技术撰稿人和编辑器Science Marketer Weekly, an email publication that keeps science marketers informed of the latest education, trends, and technology updates.

linkedin:Colm O'Regan