More than one-half of智能手机owners (55.9%) say they preferusinga smartphone to a computer when accessing the Internet,according toa new survey fromProsper Mobile Insights. Moreover, some 52.9% of smartphone owners say they use all of the functions of their smartphone, so much so that "it's their life."

Another 30.4% of surveyed smartphone owners say they use the basic functions of their device plus a few apps, whereas 16.7% use their smartphone just for calling, text messaging, and email.

Below, additional findings from a report by Prosper Mobile Insights, based on a survey of 102 smartphone users who completed the survey via smartphone.

Asked which device function they can't live without, most smartphone owners cite texting (21.6%), accessing the Internet (16.7%), or sending/receiving email (15.7%). Fewer users can't live without calling features (7.8%), GPS (6.9%), access to Facebook (5.9%), or apps (4.9%).

But new technology raises privacy issues, and smartphone owners cite the following as their biggest concerns:

  • Location being tracked: 35.3%
  • Someone accessing personal information: 31.4%
  • Someone accessing financial data: 21.6%
  • Online behavior being tracked: 11.8%

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Good news for retailers: 81.4%of smartphone users say they use their smartphone to browse for products and services, and more than three-quarters (77.5%) use their smartphone to find information on retail stores.

Among other shopping-related activities conducted via mobile, smartphone owners cite the following as their favorite:

  • Reading customer reviews: 57.8%
  • Researching specific products: 57.8%
  • Receiving text messages with special offers: 53.9%
  • Making purchases: 50.0%
  • Scanning QR codes: 34.3%
  • Writing customer reviews: 20.6%

About the data:Findings are from a survey conducted by Prosper Mobile Insights, using theSurvey Sampling International(SSI) mobile panel, among 102 smartphone users who completed the survey on their smartphone, May 13-18, 2011.

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