Tech brands Microsoft and Motorola generated the most Twitter buzz at the 2012 International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) held January 10-13 in Las Vegas, each accounting for 5% of #CES-tagged Twitter mentions during the annual event,according toa study bySimply Measured.

The new report explores which brands, trends, and devices generated the most buzz at CES this year, by tracking social chatter on Twitter during the five days ended Jan 13.

Samsung was second with 4% of #CES-tagged Twitter mentions during the period, followed by Intel, HP, and Sony, each tying for third place with 3%.

Mobile device manufacturer Nokia and electronics manufacturer LG tied for fourth place, each with 2% of #CES-tagged Twitter mentions during the period.

Below, additional findings from the Simply Measured study.

Microsoft gained momentum at CES before the event actually began, on Day 0 (Monday, Jan 9), reaching its peak in #CES-tagged Twitter mentions with 12%, likely in anticipation ofCEO Steve Ballmer’s keynote speech.

OnDay 1(Tues, Jan 10, and the official first day of the event), Microsoft maintained momentum with 4%, but Intel and Motorola generated large spikes in Twitter buzz (accounting for 6% and 4% of #CES-tagged Twitter mentions, respectively), likely on the news of their multi-year partnership to create a series of Intel-based Motorola phones and tablets.

Motorola's momentum continued onDay 2(Wed, Jan 11) with 5%.

Excitement around Motorola's announcements from earlier in the week continued onDay 3(所以,1月12日)与公司的# CES-tagged双胞胎tter mentions peaking at 9%. Motorola also garnered increased attention because of a CES contest sponsored by @NextIssue, for which the prize was a Motorola Xoom, noted Simply Measured. In addition, Motorola announced that its MOTOACTV device wasawardedBest Bluetooth Device of CES by Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG).

Microsoft and Motorola topped #CES-tagged Twitter buzz on the final day of the show,Day 4, with 6% and 4%, respectively.

Top Tech Trends

Tech enthusiasts were most excited about tablet devices and ultrabook laptops during CES show.

Among mentions of key trends at #CES overall, the word "tablet" was mentioned some 6,126 times, and the word "ultrabook" was mentioned 4,060 times.

OLED (organic light-emitting diode) display technology with 2,261 mentions, which TV makers such as LG and Samsung presented at the show, was another hot topic.

TVs Were Big

High-resolution TVs were hot at this year's CES, with TV makers introducing new and different features throughout the week:

Moreover, among the thousands of new products on display at the annual event, LG’s giant, but super-thin, 55-inch OLED HDTV wascrowned"Best Gadget" of CES by a panel of experts from tech news site CNET; the new set (LG 55EM9800) was also awarded ''Best TV'' at CES

TVs with OLED display technology don't require backlighting, and they boast better color contrast than standard flat-screen LEDs.

Another South Korean giant, Samsung, wowed the crowds at CES,unveilingits own 55-inch Super OLED model.

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