Some 70% of third-generation Hispanics in the United States say they feel connected to their Hispanic heritage, and more than half say their background is an important part of their self-identity,according torecent research fromYahoo.

The reportwas based on data from a survey of 457 third-generation Hispanics in the United States, as well as data from consumer focus groups and in-depth interviews.

Third-generation US Hispanics say the top things that connect them to their heritage are food (68% cite), traditions (55%), family names (45%), and family values (42%).

More than half (54%) of respondents say they actively seek out and/or enjoy online content tailored to them as Hispanics.

However, 40% of respondents say they are generally dissatisfied with the quality and/or amount of online content that is targeting them as Hispanics.

约53%的受访者说y like advertising targeted to them specifically as Hispanics.

Third-generation Hispanics say they like advertising that elicits strong positive emotions (78% say this makes them feel connected to brands), depicts both Hispanic traditions and American culture simultaneously (76%), and shows real life rather than aspirational/unrealistic scenarios (75%).

About the research:The reportwas based on data from a survey of 457 third-generation Hispanics in the United States, as well as data from consumer focus groups and in-depth interviews.

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image of Ayaz Nanji

Ayaz Nanjiis a digital strategist and a co-founder ofICW Media, a marketing agency specializing in content and social media services for tech firms. He is also aresearchwriter for MarketingProfs. He has worked for Google/YouTube, the Travel Channel, AOL, and the New York Times.

LinkedIn:Ayaz Nanji
