
Topic: E-Marketing

How To Email All The Email Accounts For Free

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
how can i email to all emails with out paying
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  • Posted byCarl Crawfordon Accepted
    You cant!!!

    It is against the law, it is called SPAM.

    Also there are hundreds of TRILLIONS of possible email accounts.

  • Posted bymichaelon Accepted
    As others have said, there are an incredible number of e-mails. Even if you have the list, people change regularly so lists you may find on the internet (before I posted this I searched for a free list and found about 10,000 e-mail addresses) are quickly outdated. The question becomes: Can your server handle all the "e-mail address not found" responses without shutting down?

    垃圾邮件是一个毕g issue in the US. If you're in Malta...just really don't want to do this without checking. What starts out as "free" becomes very expensive when you pay fines. AND don't forget the cost of bad publicity when everyone complains about your unwanted e-mails.

    Food for thought.


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