
Topic: Website Critique

Help With Website

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I recently put my website ( on here and got a lot of constructive feedback, changes i should make etc.
I have made these changes and now ask if people would kindly look again and tell me what they think.
Finally and more importantly what are the best ways to drive traffic to my site?...i have done some mutual links but am not getting many hits or sales.
Have looked at advertising in specialist magazines but they seem very expensive.
Any ideas and comments greatly appreciated...
Thanks in advance
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  • Posted byLevonon Accepted

    Not really sure if it was just my internet connection, but the images on your page took a while to load in my browser. You might consider optimizing those images for faster load speed.

  • Posted byHarry Hallmanon Accepted
    Everything loaded fine for me.

    I would look at Google adwords and choose your key words to fit what you sell. You can also do a content buy on specific web sites. This is genearlly inexpensive.

    同时,我相信有电影爱好者的论坛nd Asian martial arts films. I would look in to buying ads from them and taking opportunities to get your URL out to that auduience through forum posts. Word of mouth might take over especially if you have hard to find titles.

    And I learned something visting your site. Shogun Assassin (the current version) is a re-edit of the two films from that series. I was looking for the second film but now i can stop.

    Thanks for the post.

    Harry Hallman
  • Posted on Accepted
    Hi Dave.

    If your site is relatively new (like less than a year), search engine visibility is going to take a while -- especially in Google. I would continue your SEO program, but just realize it's more of a marathon than a sprint.

    In the meantime, I would make every effort to find out where your audience "hangs out" online. What forums or blogs might you participate in where you can reach your target audience?

    You might also consider article marketing, online press releases and similar strategies to get some second-hand visibility online. The nature of your website could easily generate some media buzz if you pursue it proactively.

    Hope that helps you some.

  • Posted byKristaon Accepted
    Hi there

    You could try adding a Blog to your website and post interesting stuff and reviews of these films or even invite guest bloggers to email you reviews of films which you can place on the blog. I've been blogging since 2003 and I know (by looking at my blogstats) that it is an effective way to have "conversations" with my readers/prospects/clients (via Comments section on the blog) and a good and consistent way to increase traffic to my website.

    I must agree with Levon that your images loaded verrrrrry slow so maybe you can try optimising your graphics better i.e. compress the pic sizes.

    Hope this helps.

  • Posted byFrank Hurtteon Accepted
    the now available overlap other films... The loading is a little slow but not that bad..

    To promote your site, I suggest some give aways. Some creative comments on various high traffic blog sites. If you are in an urban center... I suggest road side blogging...

  • Posted on Accepted
    I'm on broadband and the images still load slow. Any search engine will bypass your website because it takes so long to load. SEO should be your first step in building traffic. The images need to be compressed for SEO purposes.
  • Posted byLevonon Accepted
    Here is an interesting link describing load time studies:

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