
Topic: Advertising/PR

New Marketing Program

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
We are a husband/wife printing distributorship with well established (since 1979) small business accounts. We would like to increase sales in our new location. What suggestions do you have to introduce our company to small businesses in our new area?

Thank you,
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  • Posted byBlaine Wilkersonon Member
    How far away is your new location as opposed to your old?

    What country/state do you operate business?

    Do you have a website? If not, ever considered one?

    请provide some more specifics so we can give you more specific suggestions.

    Thank You!
  • Posted on Accepted
    give a very special offer to prospect clients and get the chance to visit their premises for follow up. during presentation of your services you will be able to close a business deal and new relationship.

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