
Topic: Branding

Feedback On Branding And Indentity Of Biz

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
I'm trying to get some marketing feedback on the name and slogan I've created for my company. I actually took some time and really thought about it... unlike some I know. It's a Maid Service called Bizee Bee Maids and our slogan is "Bee Clean, Bee Happy". It's simple how I came up with the name, Busy as a bee came to mind and no one likes a lazy person. Especially a maid. So I came up with the name and spelled it differently to have more appeal. The slogan I came up with "Bee Clean, Bee Happy" is from market research that the number one reason people seek out a maid service is due to lack of time and being miserable or unhappy they now have to do cleaning on their time off. So, how is the logo and slogan? Would love some feedback. I want to solidify the brand because we are expanding into other markets and want to get it right now! Thanks,
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  • Posted byilanon Member
    Too cute, cartoonish and not targeted.
    That's my immediate reaction.
    You talk about "people" as if we are all the same. Well, I guess some of us don't think of cleaning our stuff as a cartoon activity...
    Who did you research?
  • Posted bymdlugozimaon Member
    Clever concept, honey! Or should I say "clover concept"? I haven't "combed" all the way through it, but at first glance it doesn't give me "hives". Here are some puns I would throw into your copy:

    We treat you like a queen for a day.
    We take the sting out of high prices.
    We get the job done quickly, no bumbling.
    We don't stand around and drone on about our problems.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for the feedback! I love the feedback and responses. Any more ideas on tag lines? What about the name and the logo and font?, anyone like or dislike it?
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    定制的口号应该反映一个好处er. "Bee Clean, Bee Happy" touches on that (cleanliness = happiness). You could strengthen the benefit, for example, "Bee Sparklingly Clean, Bee Very Happy" to show that it's not just clean, it's Busy Bee Maids clean.

    The logo isn't (yet) of huge importance for you. If you own the graphic (i.e., it isn't clip art or someone else's stock photo that you didn't use for the wrong purpose) then what you're attempting to do is associate a graphic with you. Until people know your company, your graphic can be anything. The fact it's a familiar image is good. If the bee was operating a vacuum cleaner or sweeping, it would be clearer that the bee is cleaning.

    If you're planning on expanding your services, register your trademark name/logo to avoid possible confusion later.
  • Posted bymdlugozimaon Member
    "Removing pollen is our specialty!"
  • Posted on Member
    I think an important point that isn't clear is if your employees are bonded. They have access to your clients' homes. If NH has bonding/license laws, you should speak to that.

    In expanding to other areas, you may want to think about gettting testimonials from your current clients to add to your web site. That is always a strong point...or if you're willing to be very honest (with your clients and yourself) have clients rate you right on your site, as on Amazon & Expedia, etc.

    Re: font & style of your web site, I think it looks a bit "homemade" and I agree, if you have the mascot vacuuming, it would make a stronger visual impact. I think it's because the graphics look like clip art. If you have someone make a custom modern mascot, it may help; or leave off "BeeGee". If you need someone, contact me via my info on profile; I have a few freelance graphic artists that are great!

    Last but not least, I don't think, in general, the web site speaks to a modern woman (who is the one generally doing the housework). I think if you used more current stock photos and changed the look to be more modern, it may help. But then again, it may work great in NH; I'm in Calif. so there are definite differences to taste. I also don't think this site would resonate with single men, younger women who are single with disposable incomes, gay couples, etc. it's a pretty niche look/feel.

    Good luck!
  • Posted on Member
    I thing you've got a solid name, tag line and domain name. Now just get out there and market the thing and keep customer service at the top. You will grow by referrals quite well.

    Good Luck,
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