
Topic: Advertising/PR

Improving The Way We Brainstorm Ideas

Posted bylblumbergon 125 Points
We are an ad agency who wants to improve the way we brainstorm for ideas.

We are looking for the names of some consulting companies who can really help us get back on track.

Your help is appreciated.
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  • Posted byFrank Hurtteon Member
    One thing that really gets the juices flowing is the use of an outside facilitator.

    Dr. Phil Hall of Saint Ambrose University in Davenport Iowa does this very well...

    If interested I can put you in touch with him.
  • Posted byL. Dugganon Member
    We would be glad to help you. Visit us
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    I've run lots of brainstorming groups as well (and gotten great results)
  • Posted byHarry Hallmanon Accepted
    I would suggest you give everyone a copy of Roger von Oech's books "A Kick in The Seat of the Pants" and a Whack on the Side of the Head". This are older books but are very good for release creative thoughts.

    When I had a large staff, I found that keeping creative meetings smaller worked better. 3-4 people generally spawned more ideas then 6-10 people.
  • Posted on Member
    Have you read the book Thinkertoys? It's great for new and interesting brainstorming techniques. They've got some really neat ideas in this book that have helped my team greatly.

    I know you can get it from Amazon but I'm sure Barnes & Noble or Border's both have it also.

    Hope this helps,
    Zack Pike
  • Posted on Accepted
    At our agency, our brainstorming sessions were developed as part of a unique culture we were trying to evoke. We used to take one 1/2 day a month and do a fun off-site. We'd select one to two clients a month. Focusing on increasing their business, and providing them something a bit unexpected from the team.

    Because it was a team building exercise as well, we'd close the doors and take everyone.

    Since this was something unique to our agency, we decided to brand these sessions. Instead of calling it brainstorming (so expected and not very creative), we called them crackerjacking, and we had a crackerjack board back at the agency for some the unique ideas. People would post them before the session and it was a great way to get the day started.

    Find one person to "take charge" of the afternoon and keep up w/ the ideas.

    Have fun with it!
  • Posted on Member
    Ideas RS ( is a company that specialises in planning and facilitating idea generation through brainstorming and other techniques. Sridhar, who runs it, was a director of Ogilvy & Mather before he started this. He’s good. Talk to him. Even though he’s in India he may have associates who can work with you.

    A few key factors for getting good results from brainstorming.

    Never make a person feel that he or she would be responsible for implementing what they suggest during a brainstorming session. That will kill ideas.

    Use projective techniques as far as possible (letting people talk on behalf of unknown “others” rather than themselves.

    头脑风暴是t的最强大的技术o allow a suspension of all personal responsibility during the session. That includes the responsibility to behave and talk sensibly also.

    Sure hope this helps. All the best!

  • Posted bylblumbergon Author
    Thanks to all who responded. I appreciate your help.

    If you or your company has actually used a consultant or company to help you brainstorm or teach you how to brainstorm, I am still interested in hearing from you.

    Thanks again,


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