
Topic: Career/Training

Help Product Management Training Needed

Posted byrmhoustonon 500 Points
Can anyone recommend a good company for a 2 - 3 day Product Management training? I am located in Phoenix & would love to find something here but am willing to consider other locations.
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  • Posted on Member
    We would love to help out but if you could be more specific with the type of training you seek, you may get a better answer.

    Product management is too broad of a category and you may find a higher ROI with a different training title.

  • Posted bywnelsonon Member
    Hi, Robin,

    I came from the semiconductor sector in my past and one of the best programs for training on marketing of high tech products (your products qualify as such) is given by Cal Tech. I would recommend you take a look at this program. My former company was big enough that we could bring someone to train 25-30 people at once. I don't sense this is the case for you. However, you could send your lead people to their campus to train. They actually have a curriculum of about a half dozen courses that are all great. I can't tell you how valuable the information they provide is! Here's their website:

    I hope this helps.

  • Posted byrmhoustonon Author
    I am looking for Product Management 101 training or even a Product Management University program. It would be a 2 - 3 day course that gives the core basics for product management. I have found a few companies online that offer this type of program but wanted to see if anyone had experience with any companies.
  • Posted on Member
    Try Hahn Consultingwww.hahnconsulting.comin Oregon. They are primarily services marketers but they are the best and know just about everyone in the high technology services industry. If they can't help they can certainly put you in touch with the right organization.
    You could also try the Association for Services Management International. AFSMI.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Early in my Product Management career I attended Pragmatic Marketing's Practical Product Management course. I still use the concepts everyday. They lay out a concise framework of all the key areas covered by product management and they offer advice on how to stay in the strategic areas for maximum effectiveness. They have other courses which dive into areas such as requirements writing and marketing as well. They offer courses all over North America.

    Steve Johnson, one of the instructors has a great blog you might find useful as well.
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
  • Posted bymalkosbmon Accepted
    some links :

    * [inactive link removed]


    [Moderator: Inactive link removed from post. 2/17/2011]
  • Posted on Accepted
    I would highly recommend Pragmatic Marketing. I recently completed the Practical Product Management class and even though I already have over 10 years of product management experience, I found it highly beneficial. It's also a great way to network with other Product Managers.
  • Posted on Member
    There's an organization called the Project Management Institute that offers training.

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