
Topic: Advertising/PR

Ideas For Opening Event For A Bio Dorm (hi Tech)

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
I urgently need ideas for a grand Opening of a new learning facility for school children (Bio Dorm) which would attract the media. The Bio dorm is part of a new learning facility (For children of school age) it is essentially part of a new school. Students working in the bio dorm will learn about the ways to grow things in a high tech facility. It will can create different climates etc. I do not want the regular "cut the ribbon" launch.I would like some ideas of how I capture the high tech image as well as keeping costs down.
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  • Posted bymmacias05on Accepted
    How about a live video stream of the activities that occur in the bio-dorm? Similar to how NASA showcases missions, it appeals to the media showcases a hi-tech way of communicating.
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Invite an astronaut from NASA
    Invite a researcher fromBiosphere
    Have a school sleep over.
  • Posted bySRyan ;]on Accepted
    You want to attract "the media" but you haven't specified what that means. Local reporters or journalists in Northumberland? Or BBC heavyweights?

    If it's local coverage you're after, maybe you should consider who you think would best reach your intended viewers/readers and contact her directly for some insight about crafting an appealing story.
  • Posted on Accepted
    What are the ages of the children who will be participating?

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