
Topic: Research/Metrics

Rating Marketing Executions On The Iphone

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
I have a blog with the tagline "Marketing and Development on the New Mobile Overlord". The blog (will try to) chronicle the many ways marketers reach out to their target audiences.

The blog is still young and finding it's way in the world, but a feature I want to add is a marketing scorecard, to rate the execution of a marketing idea (be it an application or something else that utilizes the functionality of the iPhone 3G).

Here's where I could use some input from my fellow marketers (and I am a marketing consultant by trade): what might be the categories I use?

I was thinking engagement, branding, innovation, creativity, utility/usefulness... any other criteria you could think of?

任何建议点或ratin加分g system. Thumbs up/down and the 5 star system is a little played out.

A big warm thank you in advance!
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  • Posted byHarry Hallmanon Accepted
    My partner just wrote a white paper about marketing with the iPhone. You can get a copy at
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    ROI, effectiveness, cost
  • Posted byMikeeon Accepted
    usability, number of times it is used

    For the rating system the 5 stars is great because everyone is familiar with the concept. Instead of stars:
    Signal Bars, 1 low bar, 2 bars, ... 5 bars, you know, like a cell phone.
    A Battery Icon : drained, almost drained, ..., fully charged. Once again, somthing very familiar to phone users.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks again to everyone. I found all the suggestions excellent and useful.

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