
Topic: Our Forum

Research On Our Forum

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Just a thought... MarketingProfs Forum has over 25.000 questions asked by people with real life business problems. Not to count the answers, the experts profiles. It offers good material for statistical research. What could the research reveal, what objectives might have, who would be interested in the results?
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  • Posted on Accepted
    I think there are two types of questions:

    1) Around the community - how many people ask questions, answer questions and read questions, etc. and at what frequency and in what topics.

    2) What are the top topics / themes of interest to marketers and what is the relative satisfaction / confusion on different topics.

    We (HubSpot) might be able to help if you want.
  • Posted byMikeeon Accepted
    I understand what BARQ is saying. I have yet to ask a question, but have learned a ton in reading others answers and going through the mental gymnastics of answering other's questions (even the one time fly by questions). To me the benefit has been in participating as it has changed the way I look at issues in my own company.

    I know that really did not answer your question.

    It does seem that from all of the answers there could be some resource pages developed for the common questions. There do seem some questions that are basically the same that appear frequently. Perhaps some how to's about ... . The trick is people will always want to ask their individual question. Which I think is great.

  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    It would be interesting to have a trends analysis (what are the "hot" topics over time) as well as a keyword cloud of the questions. This information could obviously be used to create new articles based on the trends. For question askers, software could read the question, and based on keyword analysis, automatically suggest relevant previously-answered questions before allowing the asker to post.
  • Posted byHarry Hallmanon Accepted
    我100%同意BARQ。实际上曲的质量estions on the forum has dropped in the two years I have been on marketingprofs. I was very much involved in the first year and that has dropped off.

    There rae just too many questions about names of businesses and very basic marketing concepts. Perhaps there should be a 101 section and an advanced section.

    A few months back I sent an email to Marketingprofs with these thoughts. My suggestion was for MP to marketing more to professional marketers so we can get the questions and the answers to increase in quality. I never heard back from them.

    So mining the data for useful information might be difficult as you wade through the trash.
  • Posted on Member
    I like your forum. YOU have given very good thoughts in your forum I just love it.It is fantastic.
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