
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name Recquired For A Loyalty Club (fashion-retail)

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
Hi everyone,

I run a ladies fashion retail business in Australia and we are thinking of launching a new loyalty card/club.

It is going to be a basic system of:
Customers will be issued with a card and every dollar they spend is equivalent to 1 point, when they reach the first stage (100 points) they will be issued with a 10 dollar gift, there will be multiple stages all with different rewards, once they reach stage 5 they start again.

My question to everyone is what should i name it...

all i have come up with so far is fashion club, which sounds pretty dull and boring!!! :P


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  • Posted bymdlugozimaon Accepted
    Fashion Cash In
    Clothes Cash
    Frequent Fashion Club
    Style Points

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