
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline Needed For Cake Company

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I recently began a cake decorating company, making cakes, cupcakes and cookies for all occasions. The name of this business is "Sweet Music." Please help me with a tagline for my business cards and flyers.

The best (and only) line I have thus far is "tastes so good you can hear your buds." But this is corny and lengthy.

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  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Accepted
    How about:

    "Listen to your taste buds"
    "We'll make your taste buds sing"
    "Making your taste buds sing"
    "Make your taste buds sing with Sweet Music"

    Of the four, I'd say the last one has the most to offer, but then, I'm biased. Ah, the joys of being a copywriter. Now, all I need is a sample of the aforementioned goodies, and I'll be well away.


    You might have unwittingly supplied your own answer in your question (isn't that always the way?).

    "Sweet Music: cakes, cupcakes, and cookies for all occasions".


    Kind regards,

    Gary Bloomer,
    Wilmington, DE

  • Posted byrakesh_sethia80on Member
    "Sweetness Is Essence Of Life"
    "Your Tastebuds Loves This Music"
    "Sweet Music For Every Occassion"
    "The Sweet People"
    "Cakes That You Cannot Resist"
    "The Partner In Your Celebrations"
    "Lets Sing The Song Of Sweetness"

  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    Since your business name doesn't a strong clue of what you do, your tagline needs to be more straightforward to eliminate confusion (Sweet Music sounds more like a name of a band/entertainer).

    From your question, why not simply use:
    * Cakes, Cupcakes and Cookies For All Occasions
  • Posted on Author
    Everyone's input is greatly appreciated. I've decided to go with "Sweet Music: cakes, cupcakes and cookies for all occasions." I have also added "Make your taste buds sing" at the bottom of my brochures and business cards. Check me out at

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