
Topic: Strategy

International Market

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Hi Guys

I'm looking for ways to increase my international market share, and entice our foreign friends to find and ultimately order from our website.
we are currently segmenting our database and sending specific offers and codes to our international consumers and are running a half price international delivery promotion.
we are looking into buying ad words on foreign Google searches and looking at international PR agencies but is there anything i can do now that will have an effect?
We get most of our traffic from our company name so ad words are an option but not the best one.
We are looking at gifting international bloggers who have mass following is this a good way to go?

Any help will be appreciated


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  • Posted byLevonon Member
    Maybe if you localized product you could then reduce shipping costs and have a price point that says shipping is inclusive. It goes down to how you position it.
  • Posted by彼得(指甲花外国人)on Accepted
    Hard to answer without any details on your product, markets targeted, etc. Went to your profile and saw what I assume you are working on.

    If the biggest draw is your company name, that could be a challenge as you change languages. What makes sense in one language doesn't always work in others (lots of examples where names translated very badly into other languages). Rare Fashion won't necessarily be good outside of English, though probably not bad in many cases.

    Can you set up your web site to show prices in currencies other than pounds?

    Clothing is always a challenge, as most people want to try on the clothing before they decide. many online retailers get around this by allowing for free and easy returns. Not as easy when someone has to ship internationally to send it back. In your case, they would be paying international shipping twice, so adds to the cost.
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Don't try to get the whole world interested all at once. Pick another country with a similar culture to yours. Focus your attention on just that one additional country - PPC, reviews, co-marketing, etc. After that experiment is done, move to another country (and repeat).

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