
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name For A Silicone Belt Brand

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Thanks for reading!

I have in my hand a wonderful product to distribute to retail store like surf shop, skate shop and also design store.

The concept of the belt is unique!
The is made with silicone and a plastic buckle (1st time)
So it's total waterproof and invisible to the metal detector (good for travellers...)
有不同的颜色,非常时髦,华丽bright (yellow, orange, light blue, bright green...)
Good for kids and teenager, girls and boys.
Retail price :$20

I would like to find a name short, easy to remember and king of funny...
Easy to say but hard to find...
If you have any idea, feel free to help me..
I was thinking : CINCH but don't think it's super good!


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  • Posted bySteveByrneMarketingon Accepted is available!

    NeoBelt, NeonBelt and Invisibelt are all taken.

    Check out this site to see some of company/product names in the segment you are targeting -

    good luck,

  • Posted on Author
    Thanks Steve for your fast reply but I don't want to have "belt" in the name. Would prefer something more creative if you know what I mean...
    And I don't care about the website if it's taken or not...
    Thanks so!
  • Posted byPeter (henna gaijin)on Accepted
    You say good for travelers, but then describe a product that is good for kids (but not likely something travelers would want - bright colors and all). Very important to pick you target and keep aiming at it (at least until you are ready to expand to a second and maybe third target).

  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Clear Buckle
  • Posted on Author
    Ok so this belt will be provide in different colours, bright colour and also basic colours like black and white..
    The concept has I said is to approach the surf shop and skate shop, where teens and adults go.
    Target is 14 to 35 years old girls and guys.
    When I said it's good for travellers it's because you won't have to take your belt off to cross the border, that is it ! It gives you an idea of the specs.

    Thanks Jay I like "Slick"!
  • Posted byChris Blackmanon Accepted
    I think 14-35 M & F is not a segment. It's too wide - you need more focus.

    And Travellers is not a desirable target. Most adult travellers are not going to desire this product in my opinion.

    That said, here's some names targeted at 11-17's.


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