
Topic: Taglines/Names

Successful Agent Moving To New Area

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am looking for a Tag line for a Real Estate Agent who is already successful, but would like to move his business to a new area where he resides.
He never sold a house in that area, but would like to develop that area to be his baby...
He would like to advertise himself in the area to gain that clientel
He has already been to many open houses to familiarize himself with the houses around his neighbourhood
He is an agent with great energy and a track record of tons of refferals.
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  • Posted on Author
    I agree with you, but we don't want to brag about his accomplishments we simply want to introduce him the the new neighborhood
  • Posted byChris Blackmanon Accepted
    Here's a great blog page about slogans and taglines that refers to the particular self-centredness of many realtor taglines and attempts to provide a viable solution and range of alternatives.

    Well worth a read.

    In your case it's important to extract a benefit to the client from the tagline.

    你必须小心李ke "I can sell your home for more" or "I'll get you a higher price" because those cut both ways. For every seller who sees that slogan, there's a potential buyer out there crossing that realtor off their list. "What? They'll sell me an overpriced home? No thanks".

    The better focus is likely to be a tagline that is neutral to the direction of the transaction (i.e. suits both buyers and sellers). For example, "Specialist in Golf Course Homes in Baja County" that shows a niche speciality, or "Together we can build a better future" which might demonstrate team work.

    Being new in an area probably doesn't help much. Buyers and sellers want to know their realtor is very experienced in their area. Freshness equals inexperience and isn't much of a sought-after attribute.

    And visiting a slew of open houses to get orientated just puts the agent in the same category as prospective buyers. Lost. Keep the lid on that piece of news.

    Hope that helps.

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