
Topic: Research/Metrics

Marketing Parents Of Students At College

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I have a product that retails for about $30. Our market is the parents of college students who live away from home. How can I cost effectively reach these parents , preferably through e-mail marketing?
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  • Posted bykoen.h.pauwelson Accepted
    As a parent myself, two ways to reach me:
    1) though the college: get the parents' emails and distance from the adminstration. Obviously, you need to offer the college a great reason to do so: your product is obviously useful and is best in class, you make a donation to the college,....
    2) through the college students: get them to promote you to their parents. It is relatively easy to reach them on campus, the tough part is to make them care: why would they get excited about your product?

    Good luck,
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Moderator
    "Parents of college students who live away from home" is a pretty broad target, but maybe your product really has that broad an appeal.

    Why not pilot test the product/concept with one college to see if you can find an approach that is cost-effective for you? Maybe it's email marketing and maybe it's not ... but it would be good to figure that out before you get too deeply into this.

    Question: Why did you latch onto email marketing as the preferred approach? If you're really committed to that approach, you probably need to find a direct marketing pro who can guide you through the maze of details so you get it right the first time ... or at least set up a test plan that will allow you to identify the critical success factors for you. Email marketing has become quite a sophisticated sub-specialty.

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