
Topic: Taglines/Names

Seeking Names For Online Obituary Template Store

发布的Anonymous on 500 Points
I recently lost my grandmother and my family assinged me the task of developing her obituary. Not satisfied with the design options provided to me by the funeral home, I went online looking for template options. A number of the options were outdated, cookie cutter, or boring.

这样的经历促使一个愿望/空洞ation to start an online store with templates for obituaries and memorial services. The site will also feature articles on how to deal with grief, planning services, etc. The style of the templates will range from classic to trendy.

I'd like to create a site targeted to 25-45 yr/ primarily female. I would also explore cool ways to teens to remember loved ones. I'm assuming without any early research that the baby boomer population allows funeral homes to handle the obituary services. The templates will be priced from 10 -25 dollars.

I'd love some suggestions on naming/tagline options. There are a handful of sites in the marketplace with names like,,, etc. I've racked my brain looking at great latin combinations but, the domain names are taken.
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  • 发布的CarolBlahaon Member
    I'm not sure you have something people -- at this point in their life care about that. Let me rephrase-- it's not that they don't care, they aren't in the right mind set. That is why we just "take what we get".

    If I wanted to make a biz of this, I'd work with the funeral homes. But having dealt with my dad's death, they will steal your idea. How about estate and will planners. I think your niche would be best served by the living-- write your own obit before u die. I'd rather write my own obit than rely on my kids-- who while perfect-- just better be in huge grief to really think about a search for your service.

  • 发布的Jay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Some suggested (and available) domains based on your description:
  • 发布的NovaHammeron Accepted

    也可用…Taglines will fill in the deatils of your online offer.
  • Posted on Member

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