
Topic: E-Marketing

Help With Markeging An Online Store

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I just opened an online fashion accessory store and now need help with driving traffic to my site. I am overloaded with information when I do a search on online marketing. I have a pretty small budget as I am doing this on the side so like most I am looking for the most bang for my buck! You can check my website out at: to get a better idea of what I offer. Thanks for the help!
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  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    这个挑战开始clear identification of your primary target audience. Who are those folks? What websites to they frequent? What keywords do they enter when they search? Where do they buy fashion accessories now? Are they loyal customers or do they switch frequently?

    And then, what important and unique benefit do you provide for your target audience? Why should they buy from you?

    What you are seeking sounds like maybe a PPC campaign, but in order for that to be effective you need to really nail your positioning statement.

    Driving traffic to your site with a "pretty small budget" is not going to be easy. Traffic costs money, and even with traffic you need to convert shoppers into buyers. Before you launch a PPC campaign be sure you're going to be able to convert site visitors. You don't need a lot of site traffic if you convert a high percentage of them.
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Start a Facebook business page, get your friends to become a fan of your business, and showcase a favorite item-a-day from your store. Perhaps even a discount Groupon(-like) for the "featured item" if you get enough sales.
  • Posted byHarry Hallmanon Accepted
    I think you have to have a multimedia approach.

    1- Email- If you have a list then use it. If not try to build list.
    2- Facebook- Create a page and post on a regular basis including helpful information as well as product information. You need fans, no fans no communications. You can start with your friends and family, but that will probably not be enough. Building a fan base is like building an email list only better. You can spend some money on Facebook ads to build a Fan base and get clicks to your site.
    3- As Mgoodman mentioned, you might benefit from a Google Ad campaign. It is worth a try to see if it will work for you.
    4- You might also try to co-brand emails (share costs) with local stores, night clubs and so on who already have a email lists. Find a way to help them help you.
    5- You can also give support to local fashion shows by providing your accessories (assuming they are non-competitive) to be used in the shows in exchange for mentions on emails, printed materials and web sites.

    Try these and then expand your marketing once you have a better budget.
  • Posted on Author
    由于人的信息。我已经做了一些changes to my website and have made a Facebook page and am working on an ad for Facebook but I still feel like I need to do more. I don't have an email list yet besides friends and family which they already know about my store, any suggestions on how to acquire email lists or other ways to get my message heard? Thanks!
  • Posted on Accepted
    I'm biased on this answer as I'm an email marketing guy, but I'd be sure to include a simple way for folks to sign up to receive emails from you. Happy to chat more about this if you are interested.

    DJ Waldow
    Director of Community, Blue Sky Factory
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