
Topic: Student Questions

Need Help With Undergraduate Dissertation.

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Im a business school student, studying Marketing and Tourism Management. I will soon be starting my honours dissertation. I'm really struggling to think of topics on what I could do my dissertation on.

My major is in Marketing and my minor is in Tourism Management, so my dissertation will be Marketing based but i'd like to incorporate Tourism into it. I'm struggling to think of topics or research questions that include both Marketing and Tourism.

Can anyone help?
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  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Accepted
    Write about something that you are passionate about.
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    If you're really having trouble finding a topic maybe you should consider switching majors to a field that really excites you and where you will have more ideas for topics than you have time to pursue them.
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Pick a region/country. How can you attract a different demographic to visit? What new positioning can you attempt, using what new tools, and in what specific ways?
  • Posted byAndy Fracica, MBAon Accepted
    Hi Nadine,

    Trying to write about marketing and tourism management is like looking at the universe and trying write about two galaxies, that you can barely see. You have to sharpen the focus of your telescope until you can clearly see the planets within the solar systems of the selected galaxy and then select a planet that you want to research.

    In other words, what do you like about tourism management? What aspect of that profession captures your imagination? Once you have that, how does that overlap or fit within the marketing realm. Once you decide how marketing can improve that aspect of Tourism Management, you should be well on your way to writing your dissertation.

    I hope this helps,

    Andy Fracica
  • Posted on Author
    Im not having trouble finding a topic because nothing interests me.A lot of topics interest me and there is perhaps too much choice. I don't want to chose a topic that is too varied, I'm an undergraduate so I'm not quite a master at anything yet, and I'm really just trying to find a topic/question that is suitable for an undergraduate dissertation.

    Thank you for your ideas so far.
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Member
    Nothing interests you?


    You have zero interest in all things to do with the field
    you are studying? But you're not having trouble with this?

    Your position makes no sense and raises a list of bigger questions, not least of which is why are you studying this field?
  • Posted on Author
    Sorry you''ve misunderstood what I said, or perhaps I didnt word my last post very well.

    A comment earlier said;
    "If you''re really having trouble finding a topic maybe you should consider switching majors to a field that really excites you and where you will have more ideas for topics than you have time to pursue them."

    My response was supposed to say, this field does excite me, and there are many topics I can write on, I just cant seem to narrow it down. I need to come up with a question that isn''t too broad. That is where im struggling. I just wanted some advice.

  • Posted bypegon Accepted
    Hi, Nadine.

    Here are a few ideas.

    1. The travel industry suffered a body-blow when the world economy collapsed. Airlines were laying off tens of thousands of workers; business travel dropped way off; consumers cancelled vacations, all because of job and market uncertainty. This left many travel companies with an urgent need to find customers, and the solution to this enormous, global problem was marketing. You might find executives at large, mid-sized and small (e.g. travel agencies) travel companies to interview, to determine which marketing approaches and initiatives were most beneficial in facing the difficult economy, and why. The resulting paper would be good entree for you in either marketing or travel corporate arenas.

    2. In the same economic scenario, how did marketing provide tourism solutions to unfavorable economic times when governments were involved? Tourism bureaus (usually funded by governments) from global capitals to Caribbean islands used an array of approaches. What worked? You might want to contrast this with the marketing approaches used by the private sector in the same locations, e.g., large hotel and major resort groups. Who did better -- governments or private sector? Why?

    For both groups, fast solutions were required. Did the government or private sector turn to social media (with any success?) and online advertising (Google Adwords?), or did they remain rooted in older approaches (print and television advertising)? What role did promotional pricing play compared to other marketing choices? Again, you might interview decision-makers from those early days.

    3. Building on the one- location idea, how did the various travel sectors (airlines, rail, hotels, rental cars, resorts, cruise ships, tourist attractions, tourism boards) use marketing to attract customers in a challenged economy? Analyze the approach of each sector, measuring successes, mistaken judgments, etc. Use a country in the center of the storm, and large enough to have plenty of data for each sector, such as the UK. What new marketing learning emerged as a result of those efforts? What path should marketing leaders take in similar future events?

    对于任何上面的场景,如果你图mprovement in tourism business, did it relate more closely to the trajectory of marketing activity performed by tourism interests, or to the general trajectory of the surrounding economy in the region? Did any tourism interest initially slash their marketing budget, and if so, did that dampen their recovery? Did any entity double their marketing budget, with what impact? Bottom line, did marketing matter to tourism over the ensuing year, and if so, how, why, and how much?

    Hope those thoughts are helpful in joining marketing and tourism together in your dissertation. Good luck to you.

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