
Topic: Student Questions

Why Are Consumers No Longer Shopping At Whsmith?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hi All!

I am writing a dissertation on WHSmith and why their core customer is no longer purchasing products from WHS: their average transaction cost equates to £3 per basket, the average price of a product is (£11.31!)

I have a feeling that WHS are not targetting their core customer, or they are targetting someone who is not their core customer!

I would be extremely grateful to receive your opinion of WHS as a retailer, how you think they have gone wrong (was it when they axed Nicholas Lyndhurst from TV ads etc), what WHS are "famous" for and who you think their core customer is.

I would be sooooo grateful for your opinions, when answering could you tell me (if possible) your age, sex and occupation?


Luce xx
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  • Posted byInbox_Interactiveon Member
    Just curious, why not simply "Google" the company's name for news?

    You'll find plenty of articles such as this:

  • Posted byInbox_Interactiveon Accepted
  • Posted bybobhoggon Accepted

    Why are customers no longer shopping at WHSmith? Because cuxtomers no longer know what WHSmith stands for!

    It used to be THE place to go to browse for magazines - now the average supermarket has just as good a range.

    It used to be a place to buy office stationery in small quantities - now Office World, Staples specialise in that (oh, and many larger supermarkets also carry a range of office stationery!)

    I could go on...

    ...but, in other words, why would I go out of my way to shop at WHSmith when there are so many other (and often better/cheaper) offers of what they sell available to me?

    Now, as to my age, sex, occupation - can you work those out from my profile?!:


    Good luck,

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