
Topic: Research/Metrics

How Can I Find Reliable Web Visitor Stats?

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
我需要研究一个特定的目标市场type of special interest website. One way I want to go about this is by looking at the demographic statistics of people who visit competitors' websites. What are some reliable sites (free or paid, but preferably free) where I can find this information?

I have already looked at Quantcast, but Quantcast does say that its information is only a rough estimate. Alexa's information seems really off to me. only has this information if you pay $499/month for it, which is out of my budget.

Thank you.
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  • Posted bymvaedeon Accepted
    Google Analytics - free and very complete
    You need a gmail account (free as well)
  • Posted bymvaedeon Member
    uppps, re-read your question

    try this one,

    B2B Marketing
  • Posted on Author

    Thanks for trying but the link you sent tells me nothing about viewer demographics.
  • Posted byHarry Hallmanon Accepted
    I do not believe there is a tool like you want. Most site analytic cannot tell if you are male, female, what your age is and so on unless you give that information. So they only good source is the web site owner and it is unlikely that they would be willing to provide the info.

    May I suggest that you do a market research where you ask your demographic what sites they visit? Also, if you actually mention what sites you are talking about you might get some educated guesses from members here.
  • Posted on Accepted
    You need Hitwise, they provide competitive Intelligence but it is quite costly. You might be able to sign up for a trial account.

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