
Topic: Website Critique

Improving Bounce Rate And Increasing Time On Site

Posted byjeffreywilliamwilliamson 250 Points
Here is my specialise in supplying live bands for weddings, parties, corporate hospitality. The bands play light music, swing, funk, latin etc. If you look carefully, the bands are made up of a lot of the same members. Most of them middle aged. My bounce rate is currently 49.5% Last year a the same time it was 58.26% However the time people are spending on the site is currently 1.13 mins. Last year it was 4 mins.

My questions are: How can I improve both bounce rate and time on site? Are there any barriers stopping people from delving into the site? Is video a good idea on the home page?

My market place has changed enormously in the last 3 years. I have seen a steady decline in business as 2 things have kicked in: The recession and more and more bands selling services on the net (a lot of them younger than me and my musicians)

We are very good musicians and very good at what we do. I would really appreciate some candid feedback to help me develop a future stratedgy. Many thanks for your help in advance!!

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  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Instead of focusing on bounce rate, focus on your bookings. Are fewer people contacting you? Are fewer people booking?

    I note that your website has contact information - but it's not easy to figure out WHERE in the world you're located. Also - "For Serious Fun" isn't what you're selling - you're selling great Jazz party fun. And that's what's missing from your videos - you're not showing people having fun dancing to the music. You're not selling a concert experience - you're selling music to make your event more fun.
  • Posted byjeffreywilliamwilliamson Author
    Firstly I would like to thank you for the quick response. Straight away you pose a few questions I have not been thinking about , which is very valuable!! I am based in the South East of England and travel country wide. I obviously need to make this plain.

    Secondly, I need to consider what you have said about incorporating people enjoying a party as part of the video experience. Very useful feedback indeed. Many thanks Jay.

    BTW, fewer people are contacting me and I am, as a result of this, getting fewer bookings.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Morning Jeff
    Hope you're sitting down with a nice cup of tea, time for a really brutal, but honest answer.

    1. Firstly and immediately, looking at your site in Internet Explorer, and Safari all the drop down menus for Services, meet the band and corporate drop down BEHIND the YOU TUBE video so you can only see 2/7 options for services, Meet the Band is 2/4 and Corporate 2/5. The good part is that in Firefox, Chrome and Opera it all works. So immediately, many of your visitors will not see what you do, which doesn’t help.

    2. The front page is so busy that the message gets lost, there’s so much to see and read, to be honest I got bored and almost missed the fact that you do Jazz funeral’s, which personally I think’s great.

    3. Looking at your profile, you’ve been in this business for 20 years and I think that in all fairness, the website almost screams the desperation of adding so much to try an attract some attention. Seriously your music speaks for itself, but your video’s are so home made.

    4. You’ve got some great testimonials, but they’re stuck down the bottom as an afterthought in a smaller text

    5. Now I’m not a fan of music on a website, but seriously why isn’t there any on yours

    6. Dump the slogan “Not the right kind of Jazz band” It’s too negative, you’ve put time and effort into offering 7 types of bands use it.

    7. Case Studies, JP Morgan and British Rail as clients and all there is three lines of text, that’s not a case study it’s a testimonial, but a great one to use.

    8. Ok so we won’t talk about what the site looked like in 2009, but in 2010 it was rocking, the pictures were great, you’re talking about “getting the party started” it’s fun and professional, what changed.???

    It’s obvious that you have a passion and that your clients love what you do, but in all honestly unless you take the time to go through the site, you’ll never see that.

    Humble Opinion
    走出盒子,少即是多,创建调用actions and give people what they want to see. Think of it as a strip show, you’re offering 30 dancers all at once with no clothes on. By the time you’ve decided who to look at, you’re out of time.

    BTW. You can never be too old to play good jazz. I live in Brighton and see many “old jazz players” .

  • Posted on Member
    Email and Strategy

    Without seeing an email it's impossible to say, but what does your mailing sytem tell you about the bounces, are the box's invalid, full or what. A rate of 49% screams a bought list with dead emails. If that was an unsubscribe rate, it's a different matter. Also who exactly are you emailing, consumers or corporate.

    There are some very easy things that you can do to change all this and be productive. You've got one huge benefit and that is that you're local. So seriously, if you want to jump on the A23 you'll be here in an hour and a half. I'll spend some time with you for free with no obligation whatsover.

    我喜欢爵士乐,我可以告诉你,但我喜欢challenges more.


  • Posted byjeffreywilliamwilliamson Author
    Hello Kathleen and thank you for taking the time to respond to my dilemma. I use mainly SEO. The terms I am found for are mainly based around phrases like jazz band, swing band, jazz band hire, swing band hire, jazz band london, swing band london, jazz band for wedding.

    What I have learned over the years is that my potential customers use a phrase in a different way than I do. For instance, someone may ask for a jazz band but want want a band to play 60's and 70's party covers, songs from the film Blues Brothers etc. That said, I also get a number of people who want a jazz band for an event like a promotion, a reception, corporate entertainment or a birthday or wedding party. The jazz I sell, therefore is jazz light. Heavy Jazzputs lots of people off!!
  • Posted byjeffreywilliamwilliamson Author
    Good morning Nev. I have read through your critique and observations with a cuppa as suggested. Don''t worry, the wind is still in my sails!! The reason I wanted a dispassionate and constructive viewpoint was to help me improve my business.

    You make some very useful points for which I am very grateful. Financially I am only in a position to "tweak" my site, especially as it is evident I need to produce a professional video!!

    So you know, most of the traffic to my site is driven by SEO. When my site comes up for search terms (on a page of results for a term like "jazz band") I try and have three main points to get a potential buyer to click on my site: competitive price, experienced high quality players, an opportunity to view videos of the bands playing live.

    My understanding of the term bounce rate is that people take one look at the home page and move straight on to another site, therefore your constructive observations about my home page are particularly relevant.

    I am aware of the time you have already taken in writing but could I ask a couple of questions?

    1. You mention having music on the page. Do you mean playing, so people can hear it?

    2. You mention emails and lists in relation to the bounce rate. The emails I send are ones written by myself in response to a potential clients enquiry. What are you referring to?

    I appreciate your kind invite down to Brighton. I live in South London so I am perfectly located to make the journey. However, I would hate you to think there was an opportunity to have me as a potential client. As I mention at the top of this note, I am only in a position to tweak. If you are sure you are willing to give me an hour or so, I would love to benefit from your expertise and time and would be happy to shlepp down the A23!

    I have looked at your own site and was particularly impressed. However, I have been told by my SEO guy that the reason for the "wordy" and "busyness" of my own site is because of SEO considerations. I need to go back to him and look for solutions to this problem.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Best Wishes and thanks again.

  • Posted on Member
    Evening Jeff

    Thanks for the reply, much appreciated and here we go………

    The term “Jazz band” on google has 27,100 searches a month in the UK so with you at number 4 does most certainly identify a few issues that can easily be resolved by your web designer .

    The term bounce rate applies to email campaigns that are sent that are not delivered.

    About the music on the website, sure why not, it’s what you do, people are physically looking for a jazz band so it’s certainly not an invasion, more importantly you might even be playing their favourite song.

    Re emails and lists, the above point about bounce rate should clear up that question.

    About the invitation, it’s simple, no fee, no commitment, just a chat over coffee you made it very clear that business isn’t good, so if you are prepared to make the effort to come down, then I’m more than happy to have a chat with you.

    Tell you what, if it makes you feel any better without getting racked with guilt. If I get married my missus would love a cool jazz band, so maybe if what I give you works, then maybe you could give me a mate rate

    Re your SEO guy, sorry, but I’ll agree to disagree. Do a search for “jazz band” in google, you’re no 3, now have a look at the number two site above you

    They have 126 words, you have 626 so why are they above you.????

    Hope that helps

    Gimmi a call anytime [Phone number deleted by staff - please use the Member Profile for contact inf]


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