
Topic: Other

How Much For A Retailer Market Potential Analysis?

Posted bykoen.h.pauwelson 1000 Points
Helping out an MBA student and a business friend of mine, I have brought them together on a market potential project. The big dilemma is that neither has a good idea about how much it should cost. Can you help us?

The specifics: the food retailer is from a smaller European country and wants to establish the potential for entering a larger European country (> 60 Million inhabitants). The retail concept is very popular in the home country: no-frills but excellent variety and quality in the assortment at low prices (think Costco).

This project involves (a) interviewing about 100 consumers about their perceptions of current retailers and openness to try the new retailer (b) performing a competitive analyis including how competitors would react and (c) checking feasibility against major potential hurdles in terms of legal and logistics.

How much would you charge for performing such analysis?


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  • Posted on Accepted
    The cost of part A would probably run about $4000-$8,000, depending upon any demographic requirements in the target market. This assumes the study is done via online survey, and that you outsource the full project. It is possible to do some of the work yourself, but of course, there are tradeoffs involved.

    Hope this helps - good luck!!
  • Posted bykoen.h.pauwelson Author
    thanks, Joy! so do you believe part A is the most expensive? how much would you charge for parts B and C? And do our other experts agree?


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