
Topic: Social Media

Is Sms Marketing Relevant In The Age Of Twitter?

Posted bylstevenson 25 Points
I am about to begin researching SMS affiliate programs, but I am wondering how relevant a marketing message delivered via text message is when the same message could be tweeted? Can the two work together?
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  • Posted bythecynicalmarketeron Accepted
    Yes, 100%.
    Text message marketing is more relevant now than ever. 90%+ of SMS messages are read within 15 minutes of being received. They give you access to the mobile market. Tweeting is valuable and should also be a part of your strategy. 60% of cell phones are not smart phones and cannot receive Tweets, so it is not as effective in reaching the mobile crowd. They are very different. Twitter is like having access to millions of conversations at once, while an SMS is a much more exclusive communication.
  • Posted bylstevenson Author
    Okay, so here is a follow-up question: How useful are short codes in SMS?
  • Posted bymvaedeon Accepted
    As already pointed out : SMS are read
    concerning short codes, you would need to know how many of your customers/prospects have a smart phone with a good data plan - otherwise they might be annoyed. Just like not being able to scan and read QR code.

    B2B Marketing

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