
Topic: Advertising/PR

Creative Insurance Ad Elements

Posted bylorion 50 Points
I'm looking for some ideas for a newspaper ad that I have scheduled to run the day after christmas this year. It is for a client of mine, a privately owned insurance agency. We would like to focus on insuring your valuables, due to the drop date of the ad. Any creative elements would be welcomed! Thanks in advance!
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  • Posted byAdsValueBobon Accepted
    I'll make the assumption the agency is all lines (life, home, car, biz, etc.)

    Not that I think the day after Xmas and coming off an egg nog high that insurance is on any reader's priority list, you could try these:

    有图片的圣诞老人的雪橇智慧吗h a bumper sticker saying something like "Santa Knows - he insures his valuables with XYZ"


    A naked guy covering his private parts with a sign saying something like "Protect you valuables with XYZ" (OK - you already though of that one)


    Have a guy in a suit facing backwards looking towards the camera over his shoulder as if he got caught doing something bad. He would have a caveman club raised over his head as if ready to beat something. You just see a green tail peeking out from behind his leg (GEICO gecko). The caption could say something like "We beat all the competition - insure with XYZ"


    Santa crashes his sleigh (in the background) and an officer is taking a report from Santa (in the foreground). He's looking at the insurance card (yes - Santa needs insurance for his sleigh) and remarks "Good insurance Santa - XYZ insures just about everything"


  • Posted bylorion Author
    Yes...I know that readers aren't thinking about insurance the day after Christmas, but we have been running a 1/4 page in our local paper every month as part of a special package. I love the one with the geico jab!! Cute!! Thanks!
  • Posted byCarolBlahaon Accepted
    I think your timing is perfect. I think being lazar sharp by pointing ot the value of insuring that wonderful new item is important. I think the message should revolve around that vs generic, we insure everything. People don't find out till its too late that some items need to be called out on riders.

    You got the perfect gift, now protect it. Many items need additional coverage to assure in the case of it being lost or stolen, the item will be replaced. Schedue an appointment with ... to find out the right insuance that will protect that item.

    Surround with images of cameras, jewelry, classic car, etc.
  • Posted bymarketbaseon Accepted
    Given the short timeframe, consider an ad with centerpiece of a thief w/flashlight (stereotype, I know) surrounded by big-ticket valuables: jewelry, TV, DVD, stereo, cash, laptop, camera, printer, Blackberry, etc. Indiviudal beams of flashlight focus on each component. Accompanying copy points could include reference to cars, motorcycles, sporting guns, etc.

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