
Topic: Strategy

Memento For C-level 3d Printing Strategy Meet

发布的vasudev_kamathon 250 Points

Our Company is planning to hold a C-Level 3D printing Strategy meet for 4 hours in Hon kong. From a marketing perspective what are the possible innovative memento options that can be printed in 3D LIVE & can be handed over to these participants within 3-4 hours at the end of the event. If someone can share the names of the Vendors and the costing that would be great who are involved in such type of activities to create such type of hype about disruptive technology.

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  • 发布的Jay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Most 3D printers are currently quite slow. So slow, that it takes 3-4 hours to print something small (once). So it's likely you're better off simply having the giveaways made in advance of the meet. Or, if your company makes high-speed 3D printers - you can showcase just how much faster your printer is. You could print the same item with different raw materials (to showcase the variety of inputs). Or you can showcase both additive and subtractive manufacturing.
  • 发布的Blaine Wilkersonon Accepted
    KSA hit the nail on the head. I'm confused how you can hold a high-level meeting without knowing any vendors. And the logo idea is brilliant!

    If you really want to "wow" them, research the attendees and have something made that is relevant to their product, sercive, or even their personal interests.

    For example: If the executive is from a screw company and they like golf, make a golf ball with a screw through it.

    或get more practical: If the exec loves boating , make a floating keychain out of their logo or an object that represents another interest (e.g., their dog, race car, tennis racket).

    Good Luck!

    - Blaine Wilkerson
  • 发布的vasudev_kamathon Author
    Thank you all for your responses
  • 发布的telemoxieon Accepted
    I would personally try to use the technology to boost attendance rather than impress attendees.

    如果需要演示克洛se a sale, I would prefer a trip to a customer site so that your prospect can see the machine in action.

    If I had the opportunity to borrow a machine for a demo, I would rather demonstrate the equipment at a trade show.
  • 发布的mgoodmanon Accepted
    Why C-level execs? Are they the ones who would need to understand 3D printing? Isn't 3D printing more appropriate for manufacturing managers? Maybe I don't understand.

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