
Topic: Advertising/PR

Agency Account Management

Posted bydavideon 250 Points
What is the definition of account management for marketing communications agencies? What is included and what should a client expect to pay for and receive under that heading?
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  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    It certainly depends on the client and their (internal) capabilities, interests, shifting needs, and capacity ... but at a minimum I would expect (1) strong input on strategic thinking and planning; (2) tight project management with a keen eye on objectives, budget and performance metrics; and (3) leadership of the agency's creative team -- so that as a client I never see anything that isn't totally on strategy.

    I may have forgotten something, but these are the characteristics that jump to the front of my mind when I think about what I expect from account management at a creative agency.
  • Posted bytelemoxieon Accepted
    one important function from the agency's point of view is: finding and closing business.

    And so one function the client should expect is: managing projects and expectations.

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