
Topic: Taglines/Names

Rebranding For Echo Uk, The Tiny Tickers Charity

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
echo uk,, is seeking a new name (brand) ... can you help?

Aim of re-branding:
对encapsulate the aims & ideals of the charity in a simple, consistent & positive way, that is understandable to both health professionals & the public.
To avoid certain issues we have with ambiguity of the current name "echo" (in the UK).
For the charity to be memorable & easily found on the web.

Current name(s):
echo uk, the tiny tickers charity
aka: echo uk, the heart baby charity
aka: echo charity uk
aka: echo uk

Charity Aims: aim to improve the detection & treatment of heart problems in babies BEFORE birth (across the UK)
How?: mainly through training (of health professionals) to improve ultrasound detection in pregnancy;
also through education & raising professional & public awareness

Issues with "echo": We like the name "echo", but we have found problems using it ...

1) the name "echo" is short for a "fetal echo" (a special diagnostic ultrasound scan of the fetal heart) & is linked to our limited company name (effective cardiac health in obstetrics ltd), but can easily be confused with an adult echocardiogram & a hospital's "echo" department.

2) there is another charity in the UK called ECHO that is for children with heart problems AFTER birth, hence our use of "echo uk, or echo charity uk etc." for differentiation

More info.:
- "echo" was established in 1999. A lot of people know the charity as "echo" & the web-site is well known. In 2003 we held a "Tiny Tickers Charity Ball for echo uk", so both "echo" & "tiny tickers" are associated with the charity.

- There is no simple name for "heart disease BEFORE birth". The medical term is "congenital heart disease" (i.e. "born with"), but if we can detect it before birth, it is really "fetal" or "developmental" heart disease, which sounds rather cold & technical.

- Current strap lines: "helping tiny hearts" or "the tiny tickers charity"
- Company name: effective cardiac health in obstetrics ltd.

- Tiny Tickers: however, this is thought to be less "serious" & possibly ambiguous in the UK ("tickers" is a bit old fashioned)
- The Fetal Heart Group: "fetal" is accurate but not very friendly

Thanks for your help.
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  • Posted byReadCopyon Member
    Welcome to the community.

    I think you have your process sorted, seems like you just need you naming funnel filling to generate a good idea.

    For clarification, I put forward a naming process here://

  • Posted byReadCopyon Member
    I was looking at the word "heart" in different languages to see if it generated any ideas.

    LATIN: viscus, pectus
    FRENCH: coeur
    SWAHILI: moyo
    INDONESIAN: jantung

    Mmmm, couldn't see anything there, so I wondered if the early pioneers could help you.

    I found that Karl Theodore Dussik, a neurologist/psychiatrist from the University of Vienna, Austria was regarded as the first physician to have employed ultrasound in medical diagnosis.
    Possibilities there maybe!

    The other extremely emotive way is to use the name of a baby that you have helped! I can think of brave Kirsty Howard and the "Kirsty Appeal" in the UK for the money she (and the charity) has raised for the Francis House Children's Hospice, is there a similar emotive name/child you could use ?
    Remember people "buy in" brands from an emotional perspective, back to the Kirsty Appeal, and she has probably riased more for Francis House that the charity itself.

    Good Luck

    ps. I am a small marketing consultant in the Midlands, and if there is any free advice or time I can give you guys then get in touch.

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