
Topic: Student Questions

Thesis Topic For Fashion Marketing & Merchandising

Posted bymeeran_94on 250 Points
Hi, I am a student of Fashion Marketing & Merchandising and as my final thesis year is approaching and we have a huge batch this year in which everyone has to have a different topic, So i was hoping to get some expert opinion on what type of topic should be taken and would be approved immediately.
As far as topic is concerned then in our institute we have to come up with new marketing strategies and imply them theoretical while working with a brand and utilizing their actual data, we have represent an idea that will boost the performance of a company, i searched alot but could not find anything new or different. I hope to get something from here.

Any sort of help shall be highly appreciable.
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  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Instead of focusing on the usual mass-marketing techniques, why not develop hyper-specific marketing based on individual personalities, body shape, budget, etc.? For example, consider Levi's made-to-order jeans:
  • Posted byMike Steffeson Accepted
    如何,材料啊f construction were sourced is becoming quite important to a sizable segment of customers. Sustainable, organic, small-business, local, etc.
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    Part of the assignment is to select a topic you think is important and worthy of the time and effort you will need to devote to it. Obviously, we can't do that for you. What are your interests? What do you want to do once your formal education is completed? What kind of career do you envision for yourself?
  • Posted bymeeran_94on Author
    明显的努力和艰苦的工作mine, but here my line of interest does not matter much as it will only cover one aspect of my thesis i.e visual merchandising. But to complete my degree i need such a marketing /strategy proposal which i can give to a company and would work in which i will have to cover all the aspects based on their actual data. e.g revamping a company, introducing a new line or sub category of a company etc.
  • Posted bytelemoxieon Accepted
    What is the end goal of your thesis? Is it to get a good grade? Is it to graduate? Or is it to get a job?

    If you are hoping, after graduation, to get job interviews which can hopefully translate into one or more job offers, it would be helpful to understand what people in your industry are looking for.

    If I were personally in your situation, I would go to some job sites (e.g.' and I would try to understand what kind of jobs are out there, and understand what kinds of challenges companies who are hiring are trying to solve, and I would take this into account when selecting my area of study and thesis.
  • Posted byShelley Ryanon Moderator
    Hi Everyone,

    I am closing this question since there hasn't been much recent activity.

    Thanks for participating!


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