
Topic: Taglines/Names

Catchy Tagline Needed For Company Name

Posted byilovebookeron 125 Points
I am looking for help and/or suggestions for a Tagline for a new Company that I want to start. It features fun and educational activities for children ages 2 to 9 years.
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  • Posted byMike Steffeson Member
    What's the company name? How do you believe the kids (and parents) will benefit from your company existing?
  • Posted bychiron34on Member
    这是一个激烈的像rcial field. Have you checked out your competition in detail? If so, what are your major points of differentiation? You need to explain those points of differentiation in this forum. This is critical to business success. I'm sorry to have to mention this, but the business reality is that if you are not able to get into your marketplace with a viable product that can compete with your competition, the need for a tagline becomes irrelevant.
  • Posted byGary Bloomeron Accepted
    What kind of fun and educational activities for children? Maths? Art? Spelling? Science? Technology?The narrower you go in any one niche in which there is a lot of specific search volume, the less competition you'll have.
  • Posted byilovebookeron Author
    My company would be a combination of the mentioned activities except Technology. I am trying to go back to basics if you will and create an opportunity for hands on activities that can be shared between children and the adults in their lives in a home setting. I am currently a personal nanny and for example I wanted to grow bean seeds with my 3 yr old in a container that would allow her to see the root system and everything. She had little interest until I turned the chart to mark progress into a craft and the planting in a plastic container so she could help. I am calling my company FINN & FELICIA
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    What does your company name mean to you? Your prospective clients?
    What region will you serve?
  • Posted bychiron34on Member
    What do the names Finn & Felicia actually mean for you. To a prospective client, they won't mean much. For example, they don't indicate what you do. If you are the Felicia, perhaps an alternative name for you to consider is this:

    Fun With Felicia


    Enhancing Children's Curiosity, Growing Children's Talent

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