
Topic: Student Questions

How Does A Celebrity’s Smile Affect His Personal Brand???

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am obsessed in learning the influence [significance] of SMILE in personal branding. Earlier, I have done a bibliographical research about the importance of smile in leadership, and I was surprised to know, “How smile had a “defining” impact on followership", and significantly impacted the bottom-line results. Now, I am extending my research to personal branding, which has always fascinated my thoughts.

My questions are about “The impact of a celebrity’s “SMILE” over his personal brand”

1. What impact it has in the minds of the people, the celebrity wants to attract, eg. Incase of any product endorsements, he has to attract the customers for the product he endorses??.

2. But if he is not endorsing a product, still he has to keep a positive and upbeat image about himself in the industry, if it is so, Does his smile helps him in that??.

So the answer I am expecting is:
In what way does smile influence their [observer’s] behavior or perception?
If it influences, how is it reflected over the personal brand of the celebrity? So
if it shows a favorable image about the celebrity, what happens when a celebrity performs badly, and whether the previous likeability of the celebrity is gone down i.e does his personal brand’s ranking comes down??.
In short, whether the personal brand of a celebrity is depending upon his personal performance out there in his skilled area or the performance with the likability of the public also plays a role.

在所有上述问题我假设celebrity is very visible to the public, appearing in the media often….like George Bush, Manmohan Singh(PM of India), Although, questions seem to be hypothetical, I want the ideas and comments about it, from the specialists and professionals, who are participating in this marvellous service.
THanks a lot for taking time to read and anwer my questions.
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  • Posted byDeremiah *CPEon Accepted

    Our smile has a tremendous effect on our future opportunities. If it did not have a compelling effect why would hollywood celebrities go through the trouble of getting their teeth fixed, bleached/whitened and capped?

    They do it because it allows the longest well known image of beauty & self-confidence to come forward...(the smile).

    changes, influences and completely makes most of us drop our guard and calm our inhibitions.

    "Our outer world is a reflection of our inner world"...

    Our outer apperance in general is the first sign people have to deal with. It determines how people will react to us. Simultaneously it tells people about "How We Feel" and this sets the stage for better relationships.

    of inward feelings and self-confidence.

    we set the stage the first 10 seconds we meet a person. A celebrity who smiles with in these first 10 seconds has just expanded their equity by light years and their stock just took off. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)


    C-ommunciating P-ositive E-nergy
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    I am not aware of any objective research on this subject, but there is a great book that has some information that might bear on the subject in a general way. It's titled "How the Mind Works," by Steven Pinker.

    It's been a few years since I read the book, but it's my recollection that it includes a lot of discussion of the visual cues we use to make decisions and judgments, how they are processed, and what goes on in the brain when we perceive people are happy, sad, sexy, etc.

    It's probably worth reading as a preamble to your real research, if you haven't already read it.
  • Posted bybusinessmachineon Accepted
    hi, sam.

    just got back from japan; i've had my share of weird smiles over there... ;-)

    here's my take on celeb smiles:

    就像你说的,a celebrity is a brand. some celebs stick with that brand for a lifetime, others reinvent themselves periodically; works both ways. a brand stands for a "value promise" - the smile is part of the messages the celeb sends out in support for that value promise (misterious, wise, funny, sexy, ...).

    the smile needs to be in line with the rest of the messages associated with the respective celeb's brand; a prime minister with a sexy smile might gain some votes from the female voters in a public poll but will have little or wrong influence on the parliament members.
    An arrogant smile can make a politician loose elections (just seen this happening last fall).
    At times, a celeb should not smile at all, depending on the value promise involved (ex.: seriousness, dedication to a religious belief, a military leader, ...) and on the specific culture/audience.
    Now, if it comes to advertising and endorsing a product/service by a celeb, they need to avoid associating with a product/service that requires that they expose a smile that is too obviously not "theirs" as they might hurt their own brand. And it is their own brand that is important when selecting which celeb to endorse your product/service, as you want your audience to identify themselves with that celeb. the ad needs to highlight that one attribute within that celeb's brand that was supposedly enhanced by the product/service.

    need to get to a meeting now. pls email me if you need more of enything.


  • Posted on Author
    I understand that as Mr. Deremiah said, smile has a vital impact in increasing the celebrity’s market value. However, we see that “smile” has become "habitual" in the modern world. Were people smile for right and wrong, good and bad etc. so in this situation how does the smile of a celebrity will help him in improving his personal brand. But I am sure it has a positive impact, but what kind of impact it can make, when all the people celebrity and non-celebrity alike express and show a face of smile. Is there a way by which it can be measured? Will the people watching them will be in a position to experience a difference and give a measurable feedback about that, if we ask them to explain about it! If we pose a question like “In what way the smile made them LIKE the celebrity??”
  • Posted on Author
    About the book Mr. Goodman has suggested, it is a powerful work by Pinker on expressions, but I am not able to get a copy of it, and so i went through the book reviews, it would be of great help, if you have gone through the book and came across "certain thoughts related" to my questions, In which case if it is shared will be of great help.
  • Posted on Author
    Mr. Puru Gupta, has taken me into the depths of smile, and has showed the “mysteries” lying deep inside and behind a smile. He has explained how smile connects, engages and inspires people. Is it possible to know, whether the “give and take” has happen, and has created an impact in the minds of the people. Since, the smile rendered by the celebrity and the people are unintentional most of the time. And by nature we know that “smile” always helps in easy acceptance and quick familiarity. So, smile has become an usual expression, than specifically rendering it as a means to gain or build good-will.
  • Posted on Author
    Dear Professionals and Experts,
    My heartfelt, thanks to each one of you for the knowledge you have shared with me about the question I have asked in the KHE. All your ideas have enhanced my understanding about the subject. I am grateful for the the valuable time each one of you have taken to express your views and ideas about the question which was a colossal one for this fresher!
    All the answers received are valuable for it shows the personal interest and effort each one of you have taken to answer my questions. I have started taking small and sincere steps small to build on the above ideas to expand my knowledge about the topic. I am sure it will keep fueling my passion to know more and more as I start discovering the mysteries behind “smile”. Although, I understand that the work is going to be a mountain task, I am assured of it rewards and I am sure that it will be the time when all your willing assistance would help me do it, bringing back the “smile” in each of your face.

    Moreover, as a token of gift, I have wrote an article about "importance of smile in personal branding" which was an outome of 7 month effort and i wish to send each one of you a soft copy, so that you can give your comments on my work in that topic too. But, as i am waiting for my university to approve it for publishing it in its magazine. It will take atleast 2 months.

    Thanks again,

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