
Topic: Advertising/PR

How Can I Improve The Marketing Aspect Of My Newly Redesigned Site?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I have run a web design business for the past couple of years and have used this site to showcase my work and company

我现在重新设计网站的目标of bringing it to the next level in both design & marketing. I have very limited knowledge when it comes to what I should and should not do with marketing. I would really appreciate a "critique" on this aspect of the site with suggestions on how to make it better. The site is not 100% done but it's getting there. Feel free to rip it apart.. don't hold back.

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Jesse BC

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  • Posted byPepper Blueon Member

    Nicely done, great eye for key design elements. Now, for those prospects without a design eye, that is, they simple want the web site you design to increase revenue, as has been mentioned case studies for both web and graphics are a must.

    But, along with this, get some strong customer testimonials, have these relate to real numbers, not just how nice the site looks. i.e. unique visits increases x%, sales increases x%.

    I have found the best way to obtain a testimonial is to get the customers O.K. and then you write it, and have them approve it. Two reasons for this:

    1) They are busy and this way it will get done.

    2) You can say what you want it to say, just make sure it is true and realistic, stick to the facts, and they should have no problem appending their signature to it.

    Hope that helps.

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