
Topic: Branding

Store Design

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
How do you go about translating your brand promise into the in-store customer experience. What should we focus on? What should we avoid? How do you get beyond design, material and color questions, and into more innovative issues. What could a branch / store look like in the future?
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  • Posted byPepper Blueon Member
    Hi MudValley,

    The voice of experience here: Honestly, the best answer is to contact some local commercial interior designer firms who have a portfolio of hospitality/retail work to their credit.

    Why? They are professionals. That what they went to school for and that's what they get paid to do.

    Ther results are always apparent when you look at professional versus "do-it-yourself".

    The questions you ask are exactly what they provide answers for.

    Besides, sitting down with them for an hour isn't going to cost you anything but a well spent hour.

    If you decide you can't afford their services, at least you will have had some expert feedback on it.

    I hope that helps.

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