How Content Marketing Is Driving the Future of B2B

Today's business leaders expect marketing to deliver revenue and higher ROI. We believe marketing should focus on providing amazing customer experiences. And yet, every day, we are asked to do more and more marketing activities that don't always deliver leads, revenue, or better customer experiences.

In order to bridge this gap, marketers must put the customer at the center of everything they do—and that means speaking to them about what they need to know in order to help them make better informed decisions. That's why the future of B2B is all about content marketing that attracts an audience and delivers measurable value for your company.


Michael Brenner

迈克尔·布伦纳是副总裁的内容和数字标记eting at SAP and CMO of multiple startups. He is a top content marketing influencer and now runs leading content marketing agency Marketing Insider Group. He is the author ofThe Content FormulaandMean People Suck.


Sponsored by Uberflip
Uberflip provides marketers with the tools they need to create remarkable content experiences that boost engagement, generate leads, and fuel demand generation; so they can better leverage their content to meet their goals.
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  • Date:October 25, 2018
  • Length:60 minutes
  • Presenter:Michael Brenner
  • Sponsor:Uberflip
  • Element:Communications
  • Topic:Marketing Content
  • Price:$0


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