Improving Demand Gen Results With Less Content

New customer acquisition is consistently ranked as one of the highest priorities for B2B marketers. But multiple research studies show that the majority of B2B organizations are failing to deliver on the promise of demand generation.

在这个免费的在线研讨会,你会发现how your business can take a customer-centric position with your demand generation, create less content and fewer campaigns, improve your results, and provide a better buying experience.

You'll learn:

  • How to develop a customer-centric approach to content and campaigns
  • Ways to construct a content architecture that aligns to customers and requires less content
  • How demand generation plays a role in customer experience


Carlos Hidalgo

Carlos Hidalgois founder and CEO of VisumCx and author ofDriving Demand.他有超过20年的擅长ience delivering multi-channel B2B customer experiences and is widely recognized for his expertise on how organizations need to transform to meet buyer needs.

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  • Date:January 24, 2019
  • Length:60 minutes
  • Presenter:Carlos Hidalgo
  • Element:计划
  • Topic:Demand Generation
  • Price:$0


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