How to Choose the Right Content Marketing System

As content marketing teams continue to increase in size, produce higher volumes, and experiment with new asset formats, the tools and processes that once worked simply don't scale. Content marketers deserve purpose-built products to create, manage, and measure content effectively. Unfortunately, making sense of all the available options can make your head spin.

In this PRO seminar, we'll share how to determine when it's time to invest in new technology and how to choose the best fit. We'll walk through the seven categories of content marketing tools and show you how to select the best software to meet your needs. You'll leave with a template that will help you prepare and make the optimal system choices.

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  • Date:March 3, 2016
  • Presenter:Samantha Stone
  • Element:Management
  • Topic:Content, Marketing Technology
  • Price:$0


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Samantha Stone

Samantha Stone, author ofUnleash Possible: A Marketing Playbook that Drives Sales, is a revenue catalyst who helps unleash the possible in organizations that have complex selling processes. She's a fast-growth, B2B marketing strategist, researcher, speaker, consultant, and persona coach. In 2012 she founded The Marketing Advisory Network to help savvy business leaders unleash the possible within their enterprises.