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Saturday, January 11, 2020

Five Ways to Boost Your Email Inbox Placement in 2020
Inspire People to Love Your Brand the Way They Love Harry Potter: David Meerman Scott on Marketing Smarts [Podcast]
Consumer Trust and Privacy: The Marketer's Challenge in 2020
The (Non-Techie) Marketer's Guide to SEO
The Email Year in Review: 2019's Important Developments in Email
Make Account-Based Marketing Work for You in 2020
This Is Your Ticket to Marketing Success
A Connected World in Flux: 10 Insights for Marketing and Business Leaders [Infographic]
Marketing Jobs: Firms' Hiring Plans for the First Half of 2020 [Study]
Five Ways to Boost Your Email Inbox Placement in 2020
As we enter a new year and a new chapter in digital marketing, it's imperative that your email campaigns reach their intended destination. Here are 5 best-practices toboost and maintain your email deliverability in 2020.
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Inspire People to Love Your Brand the Way They Love Harry Potter: David Meerman Scott on Marketing Smarts [Podcast]
Best-selling author, speaker, and marketing consultant David Meerman Scott offers insights from his latest book (co-authored with daughter Reiko Scott),Fanocracy: Turning Fans Into Customers and Customers Into Fans.Read more and listen in on this insightful conversation.
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Consumer Trust and Privacy: The Marketer's Challenge in 2020
Privacy concerns have reached a boiling point. Consumers, regulators, Web browsers, advertisers, brands... all are evolving to meet the changing privacy landscape. Marketers are considering how to best reach customers while respecting their privacy and earning their trust.See what lies ahead in 2020.
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The (Non-Techie) Marketer's Guide to SEO
MarketingProfs PRO course
SEO may seem daunting, but even if you're not an SEO specialist you can increase your search rankings. Andy Crestodina of Orbit Media explains how. You gain access to this and every other MarketingProfs course when you upgrade to PRO—now40% off through January 31 with code GETHAPPY.
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The Email Year in Review: 2019's Important Developments in Email
In 2019, email held on to its crown as the reigning monarch of marketing channels. As we begin a new decade, let's reflect on some of last year's most talked-about andimportant moments in email.
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Make Account-Based Marketing Work for You in 2020
The positive correlation between ABM and sales outcomes is impossible to ignore, but many B2B marketers still struggle with ABM execution and measurement. There's no silver bullet to demystify ABM, butthese tips provide clarity and actionable advice to unlock ROI in 2020.
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This Is Your Ticket to Marketing Success
MarketingProfs event
Experience some of the best B2B marketing education on the planet—at MarketingProfs B2B Forum (#mpb2b) 2020 in San Francisco. And if you register now, you'll save $800 on your ticket.了解更多.
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A Connected World in Flux: 10 Insights for Marketing and Business Leaders [Infographic]
Major trends are reshaping business and society, including the way we live and work. That "we" includes not only customers but also marketers—we who venture out into that rapidly transforming world to do our job. To do it well, we need an understanding of the big picture.This infographic from McKinsey & Company can help.
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Marketing Jobs: Firms' Hiring Plans for the First Half of 2020 [Study]
Most companies plan to add new hires to their creative (i.e., non-technical) marketing teams in the first half of 2020, according to recent research from The Creative Group.Check out findings from the study.
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