Your Source for What Matters in Marketing • From the Team at MarketingProfs
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Dear friends,

Times are tough right now.

Nerves are frayed. Budgets at home and at work are stretched. Many of us are feeling isolated and anxious.

MarketingProfs wants to help ease your strain (and, frankly, our own) with aone-hour webinar focused on wellness and mindfulness, led by the head of Mindful USC (and founder of MarketingProfs) Allen Weiss.

自由interactive webinar,"Relax, Release, Realign: The Art of Mindful Living,"aims to help you reduce stress and regain a greater measure of control.

Join your fellow marketers onFriday, April 17, at 2 PM Eastern.

We've also planned another free webinar for you, so keep watching this space.

All of us are in this together,

—Team MarketingProfs

In This Issue:

How to Craft 'Compelling Reason to Buy' Messaging
How to Fill the Marketing Void Created by COVID-19 and Get Budget for It
How to Adapt to the Zero-Click Phenomenon and Dwindling Page One Organic Search Results
The Cybersecurity Risks of Going Remote (And How to Protect Your Company) [Podcast]
The Key to Good Marketing Is Good Writing [Virtual Event]
How COVID-19 Is Affecting Media Consumption and Online Behavior [Study]
How Bad Data Hurts B2B Companies [Infographic]
How Can Marketing Creativity Be Reignited?
How to Craft 'Compelling Reason to Buy' Messaging
Marketers create content to capture buyers' attention and move them to buy. But without "compelling reason to buy" messaging, potential buyers are left guessing about what your product does and how it can help them. Here's how tocraft compelling, convincing messages.
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How to Fill the Marketing Void Created by Coronavirus and Get the Budget to Pay for It
As marketers scramble to refocus their strategy now that live events are canceled or postponed, it's a struggle to get budgets approved for ideas that you think will result in ROI similar to events'. Here's how to get buy-in and approval tofill the void created by the pandemic.
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How to Adapt to the Zero-Click Phenomenon and Dwindling Page One Organic Search Results
Half of all searches on search engines no longer result in a click on an organic search result. And no wonder: there's barely any room on the first page of engine results. Sometimes, the "top" organic result is actually at the bottom of the page.Here's how you can adapt.
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The Cybersecurity Risks of Going Remote (And How to Protect Your Company) [Podcast]
Peter McClelland of Threat Sketch, a strategic cyber-risk management company, explains the risks of having your team work from home and shares tips for keeping your marketing organization secure.Read more and listen in on this insightful conversation.
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The Key to Good Marketing Is Good Writing
MarketingProfs virtual event
To succeed as a marketer, you have to be able to write well—and to write copy that both educates and entertains. You also have to be able to do it for multiple channels. Join us virtually for Marketing Writing Bootcamp to ensure your writing skills are up to the challenge.Save $100 on your ticket with code HappyCamper.
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How COVID-19 Is Affecting Media Consumption and Online Behavior [Study]
Some 87% of US consumers and 80% of UK consumers say they are consuming more content across media channels because of the COVID-19 outbreak.Check out the research.
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How Bad Data Hurts B2B Companies [Infographic]
In B2B marketing and sales, accurate data is crucial. High-quality B2B data allows Sales to improve targeting, reach the right person, take a personalized approach, and successfully drive revenue.Bad data can destroy that entire process.
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How Can Marketing Creativity Be Reignited? Next-Gen Automation!
To be creative is to try imaginative, innovative things. To be data-driven is to go with what works, based on the numbers; it's a safer bet. As a result, marketers have been transformed from a creative brain force into a hands-on-keyboard labor force.But there is hope for creativity's resurrection.
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Upcoming Events
[Webinar]Agile Marketing 201: Creating Persistent Teams
sponsored by | 60 minutes
[Webinar]Marketing Analytics: Better Questions = Better ROI
sponsored by Alight Analytics | 60 minutes
[Webinar]How to Bring Physical Events Into the Digital World
sponsored by ON24 | 60 minutes
[Kickoff Keynote]Marketing Writing Bootcamp
presented by Ann Handley | 60 minutes
[Friday Forum]Metrics and Measurement
sponsored by ZoomInfo | 3 live sessions
[San Francisco]MarketingProfs B2B Forum 2020
Risk-Free Cancellation
So glad you could join us today!

—Vahe Habeshian, Director of Publications

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1985 Riviera Dr, Ste 103-17
Mount Pleasant, SC 29464

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