Your Source for What Matters in Marketing • From the Team at MarketingProfs
Saturday, April 18, 2020
Have you heard?

As part of our effort to serve you in these difficult times, MarketingProfs Chief Content Officer Ann Handley will be making a special free presentation, direct from her backyard Tiny House.

Her"How to Write Your Face Off: Writing for Non-Writers"#TinyHouseTalk will be coming to you on Friday, April 24, at 2 PM Eastern.

Ann will be sharing her best ideas and advice to inspire those of us who don't identify as highfalutin'writers.Her goal is to show you that you are in fact a writer—even if you don't feel like one!

Join Annand your fellow marketers for an hour of learning and camaraderie as we attempt to weather this pandemic together.

Because weare,all of us, in this together,

—Team MarketingProfs

In This Issue:

What Makes a Best-in-Class Email Marketer? These 6 Things.
The Golden Ticket of Marketing (Hint: It's Not Your Website)
Brand Relevance: How to Identify Untapped Opportunity
Advertising During the COVID-19 Outbreak: What Audiences Want [Study]
For Real? Free PRO Membership When You Sign Up for Marketing Writing Bootcamp [Use code HappyCamper]
Managers: How Not to Lose the War Even as You Win the Battles
How to Create & Optimize Content Marketing for the B2B Funnel [Infographic]
5 Tactics to Set Lead Generation Expectations for Impatient Marketing Clients
What Makes a Best-in-Class Email Marketer? These Six Things.
What does good look like when you are an email marketer, and how do you go from good to great if your email marketing program has plateaued? For answers, let's look atsix things high-performing email marketers do that are better and different.
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The Golden Ticket of Marketing (Hint: It's Not Your Website)
There is a true golden ticket of marketing. With it, you can create effective, targeted communication that helps build lasting relationships with current customers and allows you to reach ideal customers in larger numbers. It can帮助你strat铺平道路egic results.
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Brand Relevance: How to Identify Untapped Opportunity
Is your brand relevant to the various audiences—customers, influencers, the media—you want to reach? More specifically, how can you find the untapped opportunities for establishing relevance? How can youidentify what they want so you can provide it?
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Advertising During the COVID-19 Outbreak: What Audiences Want [Study]
Most people say brands should continue to advertise during the COVID-19 outbreak, but they also say marketers should change the content of their campaigns to address the situation.Check out the study findings.
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For Real: Free PRO Membership When You Sign Up for Marketing Writing Bootcamp
MarketingProfs virtual event
If you're looking for a way to boost your skills, we have just the thing. Register for Marketing Writing Bootcamp's 13 sessions, add a PRO subscription at checkout for just $95 ($300 off the regular price!), then use code HappyCamper for a bonus $100 off... Yup, it's likewe're giving you $5 to become a PRO member!
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Managers: How Not to Lose the War Even as You Win the Battles
If you look at the list of Fortune 100 companies of 50 years ago, you'll see that most of them no longer exist. Why? Nearly all of them failed because they focused on winning their battles—and in the process they lost their wars.So, how can you win your wars?
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How to Create and Optimize Content Marketing for the B2B Funnel [Infographic]
Done well, content marketing can be a powerful weapon in the B2B marketer's arsenal, helping to generate leads, nurture them, and convert them into customers. Done badly, it's ineffective and a waste of time and other precious resources.Here are some ways to do it well.
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Five Tactics to Set Lead Generation Expectations for Impatient Marketing Clients
We marketers know that marketing initiatives can take months to achieve ROI. Our clients, though, may want to see immediate results after launching a campaign. Setting expectations is necessary, but it can be difficult.These tactics will help you set clear lead-gen expectations.
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Upcoming Events
[Webinar]How to Bring Physical Events Into the Digital World
sponsored by ON24 | 60 minutes
[Webinar]How to Write Your Face Off: Writing for Non-Writers
presented by Ann Handley | 60 minutes
[Kickoff Keynote]Marketing Writing Bootcamp
presented by Ann Handley | 60 minutes
[Webinar]Moving Beyond Metrics: Being Truly Data-Driven
sponsored by Kompyte | 45 minutes
[Friday Forum]Metrics and Measurement
sponsored by ZoomInfo | 3 live sessions
[San Francisco]MarketingProfs B2B Forum 2020
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So glad you could join us today!

—Vahe Habeshian, Director of Publications

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Mount Pleasant, SC 29464

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