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Saturday, May 09, 2020
3 Tips to Turn Initial Conversations Into Marketing and Sales Relationships
Mindfulness & Meditation for Marketers: MarketingProfs Founder Allen Weiss [Podcast]
8 Steps to Get Your Brand Through a Disruptive Crisis Like COVID-19
B2B Marketing After COVID-19: What Changes and What Doesn't?
'Good writing is the central nervous system of good marketing': Ann Handley [virtual event]
How to Generate Leads in a Competitive Digital Landscape
How to Deal With an Office Bully [Infographic]
Social Media Staffing: Employee, Agency, or Consultant? The Pros and Cons
The Most Common SEO Issues Impacting Crawlability and Indexablity [Study]
What If Your Email Metrics Are Off: Who's Really Clicking on Your Emails?
3 Tips to Turn Initial Conversations Into Marketing and Sales Relationships
To turn your first encounter with potential clients into an effective account-based marketing (ABM) relationship, you must engage your audience, establish credibility, and ask them for an easy "yes."Here's what you need to know.
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Mindfulness and Meditation for Marketers: MarketingProfs Founder Allen Weiss [Podcast]
MarketingProfs founder and mindfulness teacher Allen Weiss explains how mindfulness and meditation can help marketers survive and thrive in stressful situations (like, say, a pandemic).Read more and listen in on this insightful conversation.
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8 Steps to Get Your Brand Through a Disruptive Crisis Like COVID-19
We are living in a time of great market disruption, the kind that breaks paradigms and creates as much opportunity as loss. Though it may be easier for our minds to envision our losses than to identify our new opportunities,those opportunities are there.
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B2B Marketing After COVID-19: What Changes and What Doesn't?
Trying to predict our post-COVID B2B marketing future is especially tough. Still, there are enough breadcrumbs left by previous crises and recessions to help us make some educated guesses. So here are5 realities that B2B marketers will likely face in the next 2-3 years.
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'Good writing is the central nervous system of good marketing': Ann Handley
MarketingProfs virtual event
Don't miss this opportunity to level-up your writing (and marketing) with Marketing Writing Bootcamp's 12 on-demand sessions and keynotes. The final live keynote—with Ann Handley—is happening Tuesday, May 12. Learn, laugh, and feed your writing soul.Save $100 on your ticket with code HappyCamper.
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How to Generate Leads in a Competitive Digital Landscape
How do you generate more leads in what is the digital marketing jungle of today? It helps to understand current trends that on-the-ground practitioners are seeing in digital marketing. Here aresome do's and dont's based on their advice.
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How to Deal With an Office Bully [Infographic]
Many businesses that sent employees home during the pandemic are beginning to reopen as politicians attempt to limit the economic damage (albeit prematurely and therefore unwisely, many would say). For some, though, returning to the office meanshaving to again deal with workplace bullies.
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Social Media Staffing: Employee, Agency, or Consultant? The Pros and Cons of Hiring Each.
Today, more than ever before, your customers are online and spending more time on social media platforms. If you need to expand or improve your social media team (internally or externally), you have options.To hire? And whom to hire? Those are the questions.
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The Most Common SEO Issues Impacting Crawlability and Indexablity [Study]
Many business websites have key problems such as broken internal links and duplicate title tags that hamper search engines from being able to crawl and index them effectively, according to SEMrush.Check out findings from its study.
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What If Your Email Metrics Are Off: Who's Really Clicking on Your Emails?
电子邮件营销专家将urge you to follow the latest and greatest best-practices—from personalizing your content to segmenting to cleaning up your database. All that's well and good if you want to create optimized email campaigns. And who doesn't?But what if your metrics are off?
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Upcoming Events
[Keynote]Marketing Writing Bootcamp
Inside Secrets From Writing Legends
presented by Ann Handley | 90 minutes
[Online Workshop]Using Story to Drive Action
Tell a powerful and inspirational brand story
Half-day, interactive workshop
[Webinar]Competitive Sales Enablement: Bridging the Gap
sponsored by Kompyte | 45 minutes
[Webinar]B2B Email Design Trends to Know
sponsored by Litmus | 60 minutes
[Webinar]How Events Will Thrive in the New Normal
sponsored by Cvent | 60 minutes
[Friday Forum]Video Marketing
sponsored by Vidyard | 3 live sessions
[San Francisco]MarketingProfs B2B Forum 2020
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