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Saturday, June 06, 2020
Your Guide to Incredible Landing Pages: 10 Great Examples, 5 Best-Practices
Say No to Pandering, Yes to Cause-Aligned Marketing: Katie Martell [Podcast]
3 Effective Ways to Address a Soft Marketing Pipeline in Challenging Times
Social Distancing Is Changing the Way We Write. That's a Problem.
How to Make It Easy for Your B2B Customers to Buy From You [webinar]
How to Attract Buyers in the Modern Business-to-Business Market
COVID-19 Impact on Business, and Digital Marketing Initiatives [Infographic]
PR Industry Survey: The Tactics and Skills Rising in Importance [Study]
7 Questions to Ask When Hiring a PR Agency
Your Guide to Incredible Landing Pages: 5 Must-Have Elements, 10 Great Examples, 5 Best-Practices
Exactly what the article title says!Check it out now.
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Say No to Pandering, Yes to Cause-Aligned Marketing: Katie Martell [Podcast]
"Unapologetic marketing truthteller" and on-demand communications specialist Katie Martell talks about the power of cause-aligned marketing as opposed to "pandering," and explains how to avoid the latter.Read more and listen in on this insightful conversation.
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Three Effective Ways to Address a Soft Marketing Pipeline in Challenging Times
Let's face our tough new reality: It's not easy to drive demand during this work-from-home era. So now it's all about building operational agility into your marketing and customer experience. Here are three effective, data-reliantways you can address your soft pipeline.
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Social Distancing Is Changing the Way We Write. That's a Problem.
Our reality—living in a state of isolation, bombarded with messages about the importance of maintaining separation—is influencing the way we think and limiting our ability to communicate effectively.Including how we write.
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How to Make It Easier for Your B2B Customers to Buy From You
Webinar event
你让它太难为你的客户吗to buy from you? This webinar will show you how to leverage sales and marketing alignment to engage your buyers, empower them, alignthemwith your brand—and make buying from you a breeze... and an experience worth repeating.Register today (it's totally free).
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How to Attract Buyers in the Modern Business-to-Business Market
B2B sales and marketing have evolved rapidly. Digitization has transformed the way buyers research and procure products and services. Sellers no longer have control over the flow of information, and buyers' expectations have changed. Here's what B2B suppliers need to doto attract today's buyers.
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COVID-19 Impact on Business, and Digital Marketing Initiatives [Infographic]
COVID-19 pandemic-related shutdowns have affected a host of industries and sectors in various ways. Part of the fallout has been the change in Web-use behavior, as well, along with digital marketing initiatives by major search and social media platforms.Here's an overview.
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PR Industry Survey: The Tactics and Skills Rising in Importance [Study]
Public relations and communications professionals say analytics and storytelling are the two tactics or skills that they anticipate will increase most in importance in the next 12 months, according to recent research.Check out findings from the study.
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Seven Questions to Ask When Hiring a PR Agency
How do you vet a PR agency you want to hire? You want a strong agency partnership, but what does that even mean, and how do you start building one? Ask these seven questions when you'revetting and interviewing an agency.
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