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Saturday, July 18, 2020
How to Use Empathy in Your B2B Brand Storytelling
Five Steps for Leading Email Marketing Through Change and Crisis
Secrets of Successful Brands in Influencer Marketing: Lee Odden [Podcast]
How B2B Leaders Can Improve Lead Generation in Their Organizations
Join 'Moneyball's' Billy Beane BackstageMarketingProfs PRO Benefit
The Most Common SEO Mistakes on Websites [Infographic]
Three Easy Ways to Use LinkedIn Sales Navigator for Marketing
The Most Essential Skills for Aspiring Marketers [Study]
Lessons Learned From Turning an Event Virtual in 19 Days
How to Use Empathy in Your B2B Brand Storytelling
Storytelling is one of the most effective ways to build a connection with your audience. But how can marketers build narratives that resonate with customers on an emotional level? Here's what brand storytelling involves, why using empathy to drive narratives is important,and how to do it.
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Five Steps for Leading Email Marketing Through Change and Crisis
What happens when a global crisis hits and your marketing emails are suddenly one of the last things a customer has time to think about? The answer: don't proceed like normal. To ensure your email program remains effective and authentic,follow these five practical steps.
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Secrets From the Most Successful Brands in Influencer Marketing: Lee Odden [Podcast]
Lee Odden of TopRank Marketing shares findings from a new study on B2B influencer marketing, including characteristics of the most successful B2B brands using influencer marketing.Read more and listen in on this insightful conversation.
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How B2B Leaders Can Improve Lead Generation in Their Organizations
Lead gen is responsible for one of your company's most valuable assets—customers. But establishing an effective lead generation process is no small feat. To create a process that yields high ROI demands contribution and investment from the leadership team.Here's how, exactly.
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Join 'Moneyball's' Billy Beane Backstage
MarketingProfs PRO benefit
In our first-ever "B2B Backstage" PRO exclusive, Billy Beane will join us to talk about how you can use data and measurement to hit a grand slam with your marketing.了解更多.
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The Most Common SEO Mistakes on Websites [Infographic]
The most common critical search engine optimization (SEO) mistake on websites is missing metatags, according to recent research.Check out findings from this study.
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Three Easy Ways to Use LinkedIn Sales Navigator for Marketing
Sales Navigator offers up a big opportunity for marketers to up their content and outbound games. Marketers, just as much as sales reps, can use the powerful functions of Sales Nav to identify, reach, and engage with audiences.Here's how, in three steps.
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The Most Essential Skills for Aspiring Marketers [Study]
Marketers say data measurement and analysis is the most important skill for aspiring marketers to have, according to recent research.Check out the study findings.
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Lessons Learned From Turning an Event Virtual in 19 Days
Marketers are accustomed to a changing environment—from algorithm updates to new acquisition channels and technology. Even so, the widespread cancellation of live events made even experienced professionals take a deep breath and rethink their strategies.But it can be done.
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Profs Picks
MarketingProfs event
You've heard that you should "Be Human" in your marketing. But what does that entail?Mainly, it entails empathy—the foundation of marketing that connects on a deeply human level with your audiences, including prospects and customers. In short, it's a marketing superpower. An upcoming doubleheader event onEmpathy in Marketingfeatures two webinar presentations: "The ROI of Empathy: How Marketers Use Customer Empathy as a Business Differentiator" and "Empathy and the Future of Marketing: B2B Success Stories." They feature two highly regarded marketing and customer experience experts who can help you positively transform your marketing's effectiveness.Sign up today (it's free!).
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[Webinar]Content After the Apocalypse
sponsored by SEMrush | 60 minutes
[PRO Webinar]Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game
B2B Backstage with Billy Beane | 60 minutes
[Doubleheader Webinar Event]Customer Empathy
sponsored by UserTesting | 90 minutes
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