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Crash Course #5: The Wide World of Direct Marketing on the Web

Jane Weber
Roy Young
Thu., Jan. 18, 2007, 12pm ET (9am PT)
90 minutes
This online marketing seminar received 1 star(s)

When the first banner ad was displayed on the Web with the words "Click Here," online marketers became direct marketers without even realizing it. In its simplest form, a direct marketing campaign includes a call to action, an offer and a measurable response.The Web has emerged as a major marketing channel and those who achieve the best results do so by applying tried-and-true principles of direct marketing.The tools, tactics and technologies may be new, but the underlying principles haven�t changed.

This information-packed session will be a fast-paced scan of major online marketing trends and best practices.

This 90-minute session will offer real-life examples from top marketers, including a successful magazine publisher that is transforming itself into a multi-channel content provider and marketing force.

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Jane Weberis senior manager of promotion at The Taunton Press, publisher of enthusiast magazines includingFine Woodworking,Fine Home Building,等等。10月加入陶顿之前2006, Jane was president of Ask Jane Direct LLC, a direct and interactive marketing consultancy. She worked with top-tier publishing, pharmaceutical and consumer packaged goods companies to expand their online marketing initiatives and helped companies apply direct marketing know-how to a variety of business challenges.

Before launching Ask Jane Direct, Jane was vice president of direct marketing at and held marketing management positions at Reader�s Digest and IMP. She is the immediate past president of the Direct Marketing Club of New York.

Who Should Attend?

Marketing professionals seeking to build fresh skills in direct marketing.

This seminar is fifth in our 10-seminar "DM Crash Course" that continues through March 2007.

What Will You Learn?

  • Online advertising: it�s back, it�s targeted and it�s sold out
  • Web page design tips for maximum results
  • Web analytics: using data to make continuous improvements
  • Multi-channel marketing: the whole is greater than the sum of its parts
  • Performance-based marketing: paid search, affiliates and lead acquisition
  • Baby, it�s a wireless world: the latest in mobile marketing
  • Emerging trends: things you should know about RSS and blogs

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